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It's time...

It's getting strange, getting strange
And you'll suddenly be taken away from me
Frantic, frantic, a body in complete suspension
At the bottom of my heart

Shake me, shake me, a body in full suspension
I can't even glance myself at the mirror

I opened my eyes slowly, just to stare at that reflecting white light in my face.

At first everything looked fuzzy but slowly, I was recovering the view.

This boy is always by my side, in good and bad. He always gets the best of me, always gets me a laugh. He is the one that showed me the beautiful a life can be, yet in our situation. Kagari, you don't you know how much I love you.

He was hiding his head in his arms supported in my bed. Like a child who doesn't want to see what happens and is available to cry instead of raising his head. A child that is everything for me.

I picked up my arm and started to caress his head

"Mit...Mitsuki? Mitsuki!" He screamed and jumped wrapping me in a hug
"I...I thought I was going to lose you."

"Never." I answered, trying to control myself. But the tears started streaming dowm my face

"Mitsuki..." He whispered softly before caressing my cheeks and whiping the tears "Don't worry. Everything will be okay. I will protect you." Those words just caused me to collapse more.

I decided that I had to be strong a little bit more. I held his tie to put him closer and making our lips to collide in a kiss.

"Mitsuki...I love you."

"And I love you too Kagari." I answered in a whisper "Can you embeace me?" I enjoyed, the last hug because I knew that it would be the last. At least for a while.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked one more time

"Yes, I'm fine."

"I have to go now but I'll come in the morning. Goodbye Mitsuki" He announced with a smile on his face and getting out of the hospital ward

"Goodbye Kagari." I answered waving my hand, with a smile on my face and within this strange thought that said "I will see you soon"

I searched on my bra for the small bag that Makishima gave me, now I understand everything.

I grabbed the small plant and put it in my wound, suddenly the pain disappeared.It was like a kind of soothing and it was incredibly effective.

I jumped of the bed feeling much better, grabbed my clothes and got dressed. I took my coat and left to my first objective, the police wagon.

It was easy to open the wagon and also the drone. It recognized me as a registered enforcer. I know I'm leaving traces but since I don't care...

"I need a Dominator, Takarashi"

I remembered the words of the white-haired man, in a small note where the plant was placed. I grabbed the curious weapon that I had seen in my dream over and over again, and left.

I crossed the threshold of the door and as the scanners where about to detect me I understood why he sent the pills.

I swallowed them and waited a few seconds and...

Crime Coefficient: 55.6, enforcer registered, this is not a target to take any action. The trigger will remain locked.

Makishima was smart, incredibly smart. I left that place that brought me so many joy and at the same time, sadness. But I will never leave the joys behind, I won't leave Kagari never again. Just hold on a little...

Every single person decides their path and the way they want to take in this world. Some people can't afford to do that, but...I decided to change the rules a little.

Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now