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After the incident, no one said anything, everyone is in their world. I'm in my world to.... when we came back, they all looked again although they seemed perfect strangers to each other, we gave us a quick glance, the last and then headed to our respective rooms.

I still had blood on my face, Sakakibara's blood, then the first thing I did was take a bath.
I filled the tub with cold water and got into it, it turned red when I walked in it.... I closed my eyes for a moment, the lights were milder and I realized I was falling asleep...

The cold autumn wind brushing the cheeks of the two sisters playing and laughing in the park....they didn't need a father, their mother was enough for them, she gave them all the care and love they would have liked....
Years passed and came the stepfather, Sakakibara, he seemed a kind man, he was with my mother and also with us but one day....
"What are you doing?"
"Homework..." - i replied
"Why are you arriving so late arriving lately?"
"The road to this new house is longer." - I answered
"Liar!!! You're running late because you have a boyfriend!! Is that true?"
"I'm 12, Sakakibara and honestly I'm not interested in men." - i said thinking he was joking with me but..
Without thinking he hit me in the face, threw me to the ground, began to hit me so hard that I felt unconscious....and then the beatings became more constant day after day after day....the house was filled with fear, crying... all from me. I wanted my life just to end....nobody cared about me, even my family, they...

Suddenly I woke up trembling and scared. Carefully to have that flashback dream, I lifted my foot out of the water and i could see the scar. I think no scar is from a nice memory and that memory was very hurtful to remember again and again.

The next day, I was waking up slowly from my bed, slowly opening my eyes I saw others in front of me, those bright brown eyes at the foot of the bed, waiting for me to wake up....wait a minute.....what is he doing here?
"Are you ready?"

Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now