Something Changed

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I had never thought so much about a thing until that day.
That guy must be crazy, destroy the sybil system, c'mon....what kind of idiot he thinks I am to believe that.
But he seemed very confident, totally confident to be honest and also seemed to know what he was doing.
One day I also asked I belong here? To live like a hound dog my whole life, wasn't something I had planned, even though I was in these conditions.
I don't know what to think.
I headed straight to my room, on the way...
"Missy, are you going to your room?"
"Aahh Masaoka-san, mm I think so, I've been feeling a little tired."
"Yeah, well, so do I. Hey...I saw you when you got angry over what Nobuchika said."
"I'm sorry..." - I replied
", I'm not reproching you, you had your reassons to be angry, if I could also give him a few blows..." - he replied with a smile. I smiled back at him
"No one should own anybody, someone's life shouldn't be in the possession of another person, after all, we are the slaves of this age and it's the only thing we can hold on to, to keep us alive. Nights, missy." - he said as he entered his room. He didn't give me a chance to answer, I think he did it on purpose.

I went into my room and looked in my pocket for my mirror to change myself into more comfortable clothes, when I opened it , it appeared "new season accessory" It can't be...
My white dress was moving with the wind and a shadow appeared in the mist...
The white dress was stained red blood and the last thing I could see was.... that shadow, that monster with no name.

The new accessory was the same dress of the dream, after it is stained red.
It was a red dress with two strips, simple with a cute fall, I felt the urge to wear it, I did and I went to the mirror to see me.
Stop thinking about that...I said to myself and then a paper fell from my little drawing studio, I went to pick it up my drawing of Kagari, incomplete. Mmm...I want to see him so I can finish this, it will be fast.
I went to his room, I knocked the door but there was no answer, I called him and there was no answer so I might know where he could be, if I go fast I can reach him.

I went up to that place and found him already sitting on the railing about to go down...
"Mit...Mitsuki? Is that you?"
"Who else was going to be?" - I asked crossing my arms
"It's you look..."
"Do I look how?" I interrupted him in a threatening tone.
"Aah, mmm thank you" - I said, removing my hair from my face
"Do you want to come with me?" - he wondered
"No...I don't want to bother you." - I said
"On the contrary, rather...I would love to have you with me"

We sat on the shore of the lake.
The atmosphere was completely calm, a gentle breeze that caressed my face and made the leaves of the trees moved to their compass and the moon...was brighter for some reason.
It brought back memories....

The two girls played around the lake, they laughed, they hopped and they wanted everything to stay this way forever
"One-chan!" - Kurome shouted at me - "You won't catch me!"
"Kurome, come back here." I shouted.
We both got exhausted and sat down on the shore...
"One-chan, can you make me a promise?"
"Of course, Kurome"
"Don't ever leave me, promise?"
"I promise, I'll always be there for you." - I said wrapping her in a hug, but those words didn't last for long.

I let out a smile as I remembered that day with Kurome. Suddenly I turned to Kagari, who was staring at me...
"What?" - I asked
"It's mmm.. since you came...I didn't see you smile like that, ever."
"He..." - I said and I grabbed my two arms because it was already getting colder. Seeing that, Kagari took off his jacket and covered me with it
"Here. .." - he said smiling
"Kagari...why do you care so much about me?"
"I don't know. Since the day when I saw you...something changed in me." - he told me
"What has changed?"
"I had the strong need to protect you. I wanted to know you, you understood me and also your way of being, that enigmatic and strong way of a girl, is just something...beautiful. Every time I saw tears streaming down your face I just wanted to make you feel better and your way of thinking made me realize that deep down...I'm a person, like everyone, not just for being an enforcer doesn't mean that I don't have feelings and you... "
"Sshh...that's enough for me." - I said approaching him, and our lips collided in a kiss...

Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now