Reassons Discovered

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The room was very spacious, rather it was a department. It consisted of my room, a small bathroom, living room, dining room and kitchen. There was armed just a few furniture, I think I can give my personal touch....but not now, now I want to sleep.

I went to my room, laid on the bed and slowly closed my eyes....

The fog was thick, it looked like pillows carefully accommodated. The wind was blowing at the altitude of the building, the air was cold. My white dress was moving with the wind and in the middle of the fog a shadow appeared...
"Do you want that freedom?" - asked, turning toward me
A little afraid I answered "More than anything in the world"
Then the shadow lifted a curious weapon, from which an immediate light blue lightning came off, turquoise i could say, that enveloped me completely and I knocked on the cold floor.
The white dress was stained red blood and the last thing I saw was....that shadow, that monster with no name....
The shadow came walking and stood next to me, i still couldn't see the face, i couldn't see anything... whispering, the monster said....
"You're so weak"
My body weighed me but still i looked up and....

"Mitsuki!!! Wake up!!!!" - Kagari yelled, to which I replied loudly waking up and landing on the floor awkard.
"Oh my...Mitsuki! Are you okay?" - asked me helping me getting up
"No!! Kagari, I hate you!!" - I yelled
"Wh...why?" - he asked me a little afraid
"! doesn't matter..."
"Sorry..i woke up you because it seemed you were having a nightmare, you were talking and whispering things, you moved a lot...." - he said
"Yes ... I have trouble sleeping. In the facility they used to put me sedatives"
"I understand you. I also spent a lot of time in the isolation facility." - he said, changing his expression
" old were you when they took you there?" - I asked
"Five years old"

Wow, it appeared that he had been there so long. He's so cheerful and carefree despite that life played with him a horrible trick....
"Anyway...i can't do anything. Anyway, Mitsuki, i came to tell you that Gino is calling us. There's a new case."

We headed to Division's 1 office, everyone was already seated in their respective desks.
Kagari told me where I was going to sit, I did and all began....

"Our suspect is....Sakakibara Touma"

My expression was of surprise and after a few seconds it became rage...
"So.... that's why you offered me the enforcer's position?" - I asked turning to Ginoza
"Don't interrupt me, Takarashi" and then he continued
"He kidnapped a girl, Takarashi Kurome"
"My sister!?" - i screamed this time, "That bastard...what does he want?"
"We don't know"


Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now