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London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...
London bridge is falling down, my fair lady...
It was the perfect song to describe what was going to happen that day.
My mind was clouded after Gino spoke, I went straight to my room and sat in a chair.
I started thinking, do I still have hope? It's the same question that the orange-haired boy made me in the park, yes I have it, that's my answer, although I didn't tell him that moment, I do have hope, but still the same question resonates in me head. Do I belong here?
"Mitsuki!" - Kagari came screaming
"Go away..." - I said without turning to see him
"I won't leave."
"Please go away..." - I said again
"I won't." he insisted again.
"I told you to leave!" - I shouted this time getting up from the chair and feeling tears streaming down my face. Kagari saw this and approached to wrapp me in his arms..
"Aren't you afraid of me?"
But he didn't answer
"I did it for a reason" - I told him
" just aren't mentally stable, you can solve it, I..."
"Don't!" - I shouted pushing him "You are just like all of them! You don't believe me!"
"It's just..." he repeated.
"If I didn't do it, he would do it to me, she wouldn't say anything like she did that day" - I said remembering
"Mit...Mitsuki...I don't understand you."
"He hit me. That day he pushed me to the bed, he laid down beside me and she opened the door, saw what he wanted to do and didn't say anything. Se left as if she hadn't seen nothing. Before he went through what I feared, I took the knife and began to stab him and then to her for doing nothing, they didn't deserve to live.I still carry with what I did in my conscience "
Upon hearing this, Kagari approached and hugged me much stronger than he did a few moments ago...
"I'm sorry, forgive me, I will never doubt you again, seriously Mitsuki, I'm sorry, sorry that you had to pass through all of that...and I think no one deserves it. Ever."
"Idiot." - I said returning the hug
"Mitsuki" - he said pulling me away "I have to tell you something, it's about your sister..."
"My sister? What about my sister?" I asked him very worried
Before Kagari could finish the stress alarm rang and we couldn't continue talking because Ginoza came screaming for us to leave fast.
There was no notice of the mission in the police truck, so I began to suspect...
"There is a minor in this orphanage that has a high crime rate, use the dominators. Apparently she tried to defend herself but she didn't hurt anybody, she has a knife.As the installation is too big each one will go on his own. "- said nGinoza
Orphanage "Children of Light" the name sounded familiar and after a few seconds I remembered. This is the Kurome's orphanage, she was sent here because of me, that's another that doesn't let me sleep at night, because of me, she lost her mother.
As I walked through those immense corridors, I could feel the joy and sadness of the children that were there, it was a horrible and uncomfortable feeling.
The weapon was in my hands and for some reason I began to tremble, I opened one of the rooms and...
"Onee-chan help me.." - she said holding the knife in her hands. Then I picked up the dominator and pointed..
Crime Coefficient: 301.2 This is a target to take action, aim carefully and subdue the objective
"Ok...calm dowm Kurome, you're just out of the line by two points if you calm down a bit, you can lower those points so it won't activate the lethal mode" - I said
"No! Lethal mode? Are you going to kill me!?" - she cried frightened with her hands on her head trying to protect herself
"No, I would never kill you, nor would anyone to Kurome, you are my sister."
"Tha.. thanks..onee-chan. I love you."
"I love you too"
I looked at her beautiful green eyes, just like mine, but they expressed different personalities, that tender smile that lasted for a second and then... everything turned red. Thanks to the firing of a person...


Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now