Wake Up!

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The fog was thick, it looked like pillows carefully accommodated. The wind blew at the altitude of the building, the air was cold. My white dress moved with the wind and in the middle of the fog a shadow appeared...

"Do you want that freedom?" - asked, turning towards me

A little afraid I answered -"More than anything in the world"

Then the shadow lifted a curious weapon, from which an immediate light blue lightning came off, turquoise I could say, that enveloped me completely and I knocked on the cold floor.

The white dress was stained red blood and the last thing I saw was...that shadow, that monster with no name.

The shadow approached, I still couldn't see it's face, I couldn't see anything.  Whispering, the monster told me:

"You're so weak"

My body felt heavy but i still looked up and...

"Still having those nightmares?" The white haired man asked when he saw me waking up abruptly

It has been approximately three months since I escaped from the PSB, since I left Kagari.

"Yes, I still have them." I answered as I raised from the comfortable couch.

Makishima installed me in an apartment, quite luxurious in my opinion. Where he takes money from? Well, is not my bussiness anyway.

He works in the lower department with Choe Gu Sung, a hacker expert. He even hacked the Dominator so anyone can use it without necessarily be an inspector nor enfocer. So now, it's a extremely dangerous weapon.

"Are you feeling good, Takarashi?" He asked

"Yes, I'm fine." I answered

"If we have luck, by the morning, the Dominator will be ready."

"That means that..."

"It's time to kill." He told me with a Machiavellican smile. So malicious that I was afraid.

"I guess you're right. " I answered heading towards my bedside and taking two books

"You read?" He asked me

"I already read before we met." I answered holding the two books in my hands and sitting in my chair

"So you're reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë and Chronic of an announced death by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Love and death. Don't you think these two books are completely opposite to read at the same time?" He asked me will he went behind me

"Perhaps. But furthermore, did you read Wuthering Heights?"

"Of course I read it. Is a classic, but..."

"Poor Catherine. Don't you think?" I asked as I opened the book. It was the third time I was reading it

"Why Catherine?"

"Blinded by the surface and ignorance, she leaves the man she loves." I said

"Do you mean Heathcliff?" He asked curious

"Yes. I compare this kind of relationship with...an inspector and enforcer."

"Why do you associate it with the PSB?" He asked

"I told you so, right? There is a person who I love, like Catherine loves Heathcliff, with that intensity. But, I like to think here that Heathcliff is the enforcer because he was adopted by Catherine's father but when he died, his brother Hindley took the control. Hindley hated Heathcliff by the simple fact of being himself. He puts him in the level of an slave and mistreats him, physical and emocionally. And what is the worst, Catherine marries a noble, ignoring Heathcliff. Leaving him alone."

"So what's the point?"

"Don't you see that the Sybil System is just like Hindley? And the innocent peole that has a cloudy hue is like Heathcliff? And I...I'm just like Catherine. Leaving aside the person I love for a dream."

He looked at me impressed and then co tinued "And what can you tell me about a Chronic of an announced death?"

"A man who has this strong feeling of his own death and it appears in dreams. I just ask myself if the people who I will kill have this kind of feelings." I answered grabbing the book in my hands

"Anyone special, Takarashi? Do you hate someone?"


Makishima smiled before talking again

"Kogami Shinya." I answered

"I see. I also know him, but...if you don't mind, I would like to kill him personally."

"Do as you please. I just want to see Kagari again." I answered as I closed the book after having read by quite a time

"Kagari, huh?"

"Don't you have to go with Choe gu sung?"

"Yes." He said as he went to the door "See you later Takarashi."

It may be seen as this is not affecting me...but is actually shattering me on the inside.

I installed a camera in my room, after Choe hacked the communicator to remove the tracker. After that, every night I watch recordings.

I saw Kagari twice or three times, but he only comes in my room, he lays down on the couch and sleeps for a few hours until the alarm sounds. Haunting those calls as if he was a hunting ghost.

That particular day, he entered and sat in my drawing study, then looked among my drawings and find what I didn't want anybody to see, my drawing of the monster with no name dream.

He reviewed it carefully trying to understand what it meant. Following tha episose, he saw the drawing below...it was the drawing of him.

Tears were streaming down his face as he whispered and muttered my name "Mitsuki, Mitsuki, Mitsuki...why?"

Suddenly Kogami entered and shouted

"Kagari! Your sobs are just fair way too loud!"

"Leave me alone!" He returned the shout

"If you keep coming here, you will destroy yourself."

"I don't care! I would like to die!" Kagari shouted again

"Don't you dare saying something like that, asshole!" Kogami shouted pushing him from the chair.

In a few seconds a whole fight was armed but Kagari turned up almost immediately. Kogami held his arms behind, immobilizing him completely

"Let go, Kogami!"

"No! You're going to listen, Kagari! One way or another!"

"I don't want to! Your don't even want to find her. She hates you 'cause you killed her sister. Why would you want her back in your life?"

"No! But it still worries me! I feel that something will happen! I think about it...what could do a girl of that age fugitive?" Kogami asked

"I don't care!"

Kogami reached his point and pushed Kagari down to the floor. As he pulled his back he said "Listen, stupid. You can stay here and keep whining as you did these last three months or you can give all of you to find and make her change her mind. That's all." Then Kogami let him go and left him on the floor and went out of the room.

Kagari got up and laid down on the right side wall. Whispering he said "It's true."

Now...what happens if he finds me?

Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now