The Drawing

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It is sad when people die...not really. I say that but I was thinking about something else, I'd be sad if it died an important person in my life and I don't have I?
By the time we returned it was already five in the morning and the sun was starting to rise. Kagari got me through the garage, I waited a moment in my room until he brought my communicator, I got mine and his respectively ..
"Thank you ...for everything." - I said with a smile on my face
"You don't have to thank me...more over..thanks to you .."
"Why?" - I asked confused
"Because since you came I don't feel...alone." - He said as he got out of my room. I stood there, shocked by what he said, maybe, he also felt like me...

It had long since that day began the afternoon shift, I decided to lay down on my bed and close my eyes...

The fog was thick, it looked like pillows carefully accommodated. The wind blew at the altitude of the building, the air was cold. My white dress moved with the wind and in the middle of the fog a shadow appeared...
"Do you want that freedom?" - asked, turning toward me
A little afraid I answered "More than anything in the world"
Then the shadow lifted a curious weapon, from which an immediate light blue lightning came off, turquoise i could say, that enveloped me completely and I knocked on the cold floor.
The white dress was stained red blood and the last thing I saw was....that shadow, that monster with no name....
The shadow approached, i still couldn't see it's face, i couldn't see anything... whispering, the monster told me....
"You're so weak"
My body felt heavy but i still looked up and...

Damm!! I had no longer that nightmare... what changed? I decided to go to this little study I am torturing myself. I took the pencil in my hand and let it lead me, making the lines, giving stroke shadows, putting details...I finished the drawing that was incomplete in my dream. Who are you? Who is this monster with no name? Maybe it's that white-haited man...
"Mitsuki!!! Hey!!" - Kagari came screaming and running to where I was, I immediately turned around my drawing so he couln't see. I took a deep breath and answered...
"Kagari...if it wasn't for yesterday, I'd get up this seat and you'll learn how to knock on the door." - I said
"You know you wouldn't." - Kagari said
"Want to see?" - I said, getting up from my chair with a fist in my hand
"No no! Mitsuki, sorry!" - he said covering himself with his arms. I just let out a big laugh to which he joined after a few seconds.

"And what will you do later Mitsuki?" - he wondered
"I have nothing planned" - I said - "I thought to start a new drawing"
"Do you like to draw?" - he asked
"Well...yeah...l really like drawing."
"That's cool. Mmm I make you a deal." - he said with a mischievous look
"Ok...what it is?"
"I cook and you end your drawing. You have to relax a little and I like to cook .."
"Don't you want me to help?" - I asked
"No. It's a surprised."
"If you want so..." - I said with a smile on my face.

He immediately jumped into the kitchen and I sat on the drawing board.
I started thinking what could I draw... and in a moment I thought...why not?
The pencil traced the delicate features and factions, snub nose, orange tousled hair and eyes, those bright brown eyes...
"Mitsuki, what are you drawing?"
"No...nothing!! It's just a sketch"
"Well...then, when you make the original, you can show me?" - He told me with a smile on his face
"Ye...yes, someday..."

Who knows... maybe someday I'll show him...

Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now