It's Been a Long, Long Time |RP|

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But before we get to the scenario, I wanted to touch in a few things...
I don't know how long I'm going to keep Wattpad to be honest, due to certain personal reasons wish not to disclose.
However, I am much more active on discord now! If you wish to find me there, send me a dm with your discord info!
With that being said... Let us continue!

The Scenario:

You and your best friend. That's all it's ever been really, just you and then against the universe! Nothing could ever separate the two of you.
It all began when your parents introduced you to the new kid next door, one you at first were completely uninterested in.... Though as the hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, weeks to months and so on, you two were inseparable!
Kindergarten, primary school, elementary school, you stuck like glue...
Though, toward the end of your junior high years, your friend and their family... Disappeared. Heartbroken, you chose to try and make new friends, some sticking, but never as close as them.

A few years later, you've now graduated from highschool. You're a growing adult, out on your own now.
One night, while out on a nightly stroll, you suddenly hear the faint hums of music... Curiosity, of course, caught the best of you, dedicated to finding whomever or whatever was making this beautiful sound.
A few minutes of walking lead you to an old courtyard, one usually not popular to the public scene. Toward the middle of the court, you saw a young person, about your age, with a trumpet in hand.
Clinging to the shadows, you watch as this person began their song, a tune you recognized immediately.
It was your lost friends favorite song "It's been a long, long time"...
Without even realizing, you started to walk forward, getting a closer look as to who this person was... A small audible gasp leaving your lips as it finally clicked...

It's them....

What happens from here, is up to you...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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