Starlight in Your Eye's

300 0 375

I was inspired by a video I saw, so...
Also this is a more "supernatural" rp so


Your world is not exactly... Normal. Everyone either has some sort of power or unique trait. No two are the same, but similar in comparison. Anyway... The most rate of them all is what the locals would call a "star shifter". Essentially, this was a person who could travel to any existence, plain, universe, anywhere... Due to them being so incredibly hard and rare to find, they cost a pretty penny.
One day, while out on a stroll with your (( insert friend/pet, etc here )), you come across a woman, running for her life. She seemed around 18-19 years of age. She seemed rather frightened. After she ran past you two, a man came running after her. Following your instincts... You ran after them.
You ran for a while, stay a safe distance behind the two. Suddenly, she was cornered, nowhere to go but up... Or to another place.

What happens next, is up to you...

Her looks:



Yes they're the round kind.

Her outfit

Her wings ( yes I know they're fake, but for the sake of the to, this is what her wings look like

And her pet birb

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