Lady, are you crazy?! (( RP

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You and a friend decided to go get some early breakfast after a long night of video games and junk food. After deciding on a place to go, ya get yo lazy asses up and make the drive over. You two get your table, sat next to a man with his daughter and a lady who looked as if she was bothered by something. A few minutes pass and the two of you order your food, when suddenly the lady speaks up. She's asks the man if he was the father, in which he replied yes. She smiled and asked where the mother was, he told her that the child's mother passed away at birth, which left him to raise her himself. But he made sure to include that the child was safe and happy. The woman seemed disgusted, now saying things like "This child should have a mother." "This child will never be normal with just her father raising her", etc. You and your friend started to find the woman herself disgusting, chiming in just before the lady said anything else.

What happens next... Is up to you...

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