Wolves Lament (( Rp

77 0 154

You lived alone in the woods ever since you moved out of your families home in the city. You always enjoyed the forest, exploring and the wild life. One day, while out in your garden, you saw a wolf just outside the fence. Immediately, you froze and stayed silent. The wolf was large, looking around as if it was looking for something. The only thought that rang through your mind was 'Its looking for food...'. Just as the thought passed, you saw a young pup, maybe 2 or 3 weeks old, crawl out from under the olfer wolves legs. You assumed the older wolf was the pups mother, but the strange thing was... The mother was a white wolf but the pup wad a rare black wolf. Just as you make this discovery, another huge black wolf approaches the fence, most likely the father, growling directly at you...

What happens next... Is up to you...

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