Marriage?! (( Rp

54 0 82

This is set in like... The medieval times, with like... Dragons and shit... I don't know I'm bored and put of ideas.
Though, this fantasy based so, yeah.


You are a young prince, well respected and loved by your Kingdom. Your father, the king, had the same respect. Your kingdom, let's call it... Althor, was well known for its power and dignity. A nearby kingdom, we'll call this one..... Vralian (( pronounced: Vr- alien )) had suffered the loss of their king. The Queen, Queen Lyea, was left too rule. Though, she needed her daughter to marry. So, your father and the queen made an... Arrangement. You and the princess were to be engaged. You had no clue who she was or what she looked like, so naturally, you refused. Your father explained what had happened to their kingdom, which rose sympathy. You agreed to meet the princess, honestly nervous. What I'd this was all a scam?

What happens next, is up to you~


here is your "bride to be":

here is your "bride to be":

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Her "everyday" gown

Her "everyday" gown

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Her wedding gown

Her shoes (( for both ))

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Her shoes (( for both ))

Her shoes (( for both ))

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Her crown

Her crown

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