A Girl and Her Piano (( Rp

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Its your junior year of high school. Currently your in music class. The teacher was going on and on about how music could change your life, hiw it can change you and so on. To be honest, you werent really paying attention until she said something about the girl you had your eye on for weeks. Well, nore specifically, your crush. She was a senior, but she was gorgeous. Her hair, her eyes... Everything. You were just to shy to talk to her. The teacher said something about her coming to play the piano for the class, which honestly sounded boring to you, but you were happy to see her. She came in, set up the piano and sheet music before clearinf her throat, startinf to play Faded by Alen Walker. She played it so gracefully, but her voice, her vouce was like listening to an angel sing...
(( Basically what she sounds like ))

What happens next, is up to you...

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