We Need Backup! (( Rp

72 0 209


So, its your first day as a Rookie CO in the county jail. Youve wanted to sign go for years, and after completing your trainingn you finally earned your badge. Your first assignment helping out in the pods. There you met officer Oliver Novak. His usual post was in the mental health institutions, but they had a few extra guys helping out in that unit, so he was assigned tie pod for today. Apperantly, two of the inmates decided to act up and mess with you two, callin ya names and throwing shit, just acting a fool. Eventually, they threw a more heavy object, like a bucket or maybe even a bottle of something, directly at Officer Novak, whatever it was hit him straight in the head. You were like, halfway across the pod when you saw this, yelling at them to knock it off. But, before you knew it, the inmates had taken Oliver down forcefully, one even had his hands around his neck. You IMMEDIATELY called for back up, starting to run over. But, alas, another inmate held you back.
Did Oliver do to upset them?
Were the inmates just doing this for fun?
Would backup get her in time?
What was going on?

What happens next... Is up to you...

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