Dance Rp ( Again )

95 2 232

Yeah, here is just some shittt thing I made up because I am slowly dying and I want to stab myself so...

Here's your scenario:
You are a young, teenage Male/Female. You like things teens usually like, your act like a normal teenager. Your just a tad bit different, YOU LIVE TO TO DANCE! You, everyday after school, bolt down to the dance studio to have some fun. But you don't only like to go there for dance, you go there for one girl, and one girl only. You dont know her name, but she's amazing. She dances hip hop, sadly, you dance (your choice of dance ). One weekend afternoon, while sitting at a coffee shop, she rides up on a long board. She sees you staring...

What do you do?

OC Role play Book ~*Requests Open*~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora