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There i saw. Hikaru. Kaoru. By the window gazing at the heavy sky. It was about to pour. 

"Gomen...." Kaoru said faintly. You couldn't hear his words, so you decided to just leave the silence be.

"Gomen..." Hikaru said quietly as well. You couldn't hear neither of them. Their hushed voices was just a speck of sound to you.

"Gomen..." You said softly. 

The room was dim. The only source of light was the windows, and it failed to give it light anyways. The bulky clouds blocked the sun and raindrops fell one by one.

It was going to rain.

All you could hear now was just the heavy downfall outside. No words came out of the three of you.

The twins was in one side and you were in the other. No one stepped in the middle. A division that cuts your confidence to talk to the twins.

"Gomen." You said loud enough for the twins to hear.

They lightly jolted. Their eyes widen. But you couldn't see their faces. Their heads were faced directly at the window.

"I don't know what to do either. Don't worry..." You smiled softly.

"I'm here... You guys could always talk to me.. Right?" You kept going. 

As you finished your sincere message, you walked at the verge of the disparted room. You took a step closer to the twins.

You hugged the two. 

Lightning blasted outside.

The rain fell even harder. The clashing of water outside was powerful, and yet; The whole atmospher was comforting.

The twins hugged you back. Both were in slight tears. 

They were lost. But you helped them find the way.


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