That moment.

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When you cant think of anything even though  you already planned the next chapter. It works well... Rlly well.... but it doesn't work with my schedule cuz i have to wake up at 6 when i stay up till like 1 or something. THEN U FEED CHILDREN FER LIEK THE DAY.... and idek what im talkig about. So, while i go crazy here.... go watch No game No life. Its  a good anime :3 WATCH IT DMT SO I CAN RELATE WITH SOME ONE. I NEED SEASON 2. IM CRYINGOVER HERE. WHY CANT THEY JUST MAKE LIKE 15 MORE SEASON SO PEOPLE WOULD BE MORE SATSIFIED THAN A 1 SEASONED ANIME. IDK. IM A WEEABOO. DONT DO DREGS ER WATEVER. THANK YOU. OASDFiJS;DKLFKlAOWsdjo SEJKSM,DJKH123OEWJDSJKXCN

[ rEST oF THe STOrie IsNt GOIn bEEE up SOooooOONnN KAy ThX]

Frikin sobbing bunf~

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