new friend

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    Today mikey was go out alone and went to walk around the city. When he arrived at one alley, he saw there a guy was injuried and has bruised around his face. That guy had scar on his mouth. Mikey went to the guy to stand and bring he back to shinichiro apartment  and put the guy on his bed at mikey room . Then he went to kitchen and went back with first aid kit  and put some bandeged and ice to the guy. A few minute later, the guy was wake up.

Sanzu: where i am?
Mikey: oh, you already wake up.
Sanzu: who are you and how i can be here?
Mikey: oh, sorry i am sano manjiro but you call mikey and you at my bedroom. I found you faints and was injuried so i bring you  here to treat you wound.
Sanzu: oh that so, thank you.

Then sanzu want to leave .

Mikey: where you want to go?
Sanzu: to my house?
Mikey: let me send you cause your wound still bad.
Sanzu: it ok, i can walk by myself.
Mikey: no, let me walk you to your house or you stay here until your wound get well.
Sanzu: ok, you can send me to my house.
Mikey: ok, let go.

    Then mikey and sanzu walk out from the apartment and went to sanzu house. A few time later, they had arrived to sanzu house and mikey press the door bell. The door was open and there was standing teokami.

Teokami: eh, mikey. What you doing here and why my brother with you?
Mikey: oh, i found he was faint and had some wound. So i bring he back to my house to treat his wound before take he home .
Teokami: it that so? Thanks you for take care of my brother.
Mikey: you are welcome. I will leave now. Bye bye.
Teokami: ok, bye.

     Then mikey walk to an food stall to buy some snack. And then walk again to shinichiro apartment but he feel like that he been watching by someone. When he at an alley, there an thug tried to rob he.

Thug :  give all of you money it you want safe.
Mikey: laugh
Thug : why are you laugh, do you want to di...

Before the thug finished, mikey had kick the thug and made he fell into ground.

Mikey : you can out now
Hanma: wow, how do you know that i was here?
Mikey: i know from the beginning that you were follower me since this morning.
Hanma: not wonder, kazutora take interest on you.
Mikey: kazutora? Oh you mean the boy with hair like banana.
Hanma: 'psst'
Mikey: what?
Hanma: this first someone say he hair like banana.
Mikey: and who are you. Why you been follow me?
Hanma: i am hanma. I follow you to know why Kazutora take interest in you and now i know  why. You have an strong streght even you have an small body. Do you ever think to join an gang?
Mikey: no
Hanma: why
Mikey: causes i dont interest in gang world, plus my brother will not let me join an gang even he in the one.
Hanma: who your brother?
Mikey : my brother is sano shinichiro the president and one of founder of black dragon gang.
Hanma: ' shocked'
Mikey: that all? Can i go now?
Hanma: why suddenly?
Mikey: causes i had to back home before sunset to made dinner.
Hanma: you cook? Psst. I never know scary person like you will cook.
Mikey: hahaha 😒😒😒. bye
           Then mikey walk back to shinichiro apartment and started to cook dinner. A few hour later, shinichiro was home. He went to take an shower before went to dining table to eat dinner with mikey.

Shinichiro: oh, mikey. How your day today?
Mikey: fine, i guess.
Shinichiro: oh, teokami tell me that you help his brother early.
Mikey: yes.
Shinichiro: why you sound like that.
Mikey: i just feel tired. That all.
Shinichiro : oh, ok. And mikey.
Mikey: yes?
Shinichiro: tomorrow, can you cooked some meal for lunch?
Mikey: why?
Shinichiro: causes tomorrow i want introdused someone to you.
Mikey: ok i will cooked lunch but for  how many people ?
Shinichiro: ummmm...about 6 people.
Mikey: ok. I will go sleep now. Good night
Shinichiro: good night mikey.

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