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Today mikey wake up from his bed and went to kitchen to make breakfast. Then he went to shinichiro room to collect dirty cloth and put it in the an basket before went to his room to do same thing. After collect all it, he went to kitchen and eat the breakfast that he made earlier then take and shower. He went to change his cloth and then went to laundry to send the dirty cloth. Suddenly, he got an text from shinichiro

Hi mikey, i want to tell that i will back
late today causes i had many bike to
Repair .

Ok, but can i go sleep at izana
Place for someday? Please 🙇

Ok, if izana ok with that,you can
go. But it he dont, you cant go

Thanks you, you the best and
dont worry i will behave
myself . good bye. love you ❤

ok, bye. love you too.

Then mikey call izana and ask if he can sleep at he place for somedays. And izana say ok. Mikey went back to the apartment and pack some of his cloth, his headphone and some snack. But when he was packed , he got an bad feeling that something bad will been happend, so he also packed some of his weapon like some gun and some blade then put in hidden pocket in his bag. He went out and lock the apartment and ride his bike and,went straight to izana place. But he stop at the store to buy some soba for lunch later. He went to the counter to pay the thing and went out from the store but suddenly he heart something from near alley so he went to hear it and hide behind the trash bin.

Person 1 : hey, i hear that in 3 days ( random name) gang want to attack tenjiku place.
Person 2: yes, i hear that there an traitor in the tenjiku that work with ( random name) gang . i also hear that the gang will attack with some weapon.
Person 1: That bad, causes i sure that tenjiku gang will lose.
Person 2: i also think like that even tenjiku had some strongest member but it when includes weapon, they will lose.

When mikey hear that, he run fast into his bike and spade up and went to izana place. When he arrived at there, he just barged in with knock the door. Izana and other was shocked when saw mikey was just barged in and he was sweet .
Ran: wow, mikey why you so rush?
Rindou: yeah, why?
Mikey: There an no time and i want tell to you all something but can we go to somewhere that private.
Izana: we can talk in my office.

Then they all went to izana office.

Izana: so what you want to tell us?
Mikey: explain everything
Izana:so there an mole in my gang that work with enemy gang and they want attack in 3 days, you say.
Mikey: umm yes.
Izana: do you know that mole name by and chance?
Mikey: no. But i hear that he just join your gang about 4 month ago.
Izana: kakachu, do we get an new in few month ago?
Kakuchu: yes, we got about 5 person.
Ran: how we will know who are of they are the traitor?
Sanzu: yes, not mention they will attack with weapon that made the fight will become unfair to us.
Rindou: yes, they will have weapon but we just have some weapon like baton and bat only.
Mikey: dont worry, i will handed it.

Then mikey went to his bike and take his bag and went back to izana and other. Then his open the bag, izana and other was shocked to see some gun and some blade in that bag.
Mikey: that enough for you?
Kokonui: where you get all the weapon?
Mikey: do you all forget that i was an hitman, i carry weapon where went i got.
And i have contact to get any weapon as long i paid for it.😎😎😎
All of they: i/ we forgot about that😶😶😶.
Ran: so what our plan to reveled the traitor.
Mikey: dont doing anything. Let he reveled his self on the day. We just pretend that we dont know that they will attack us.😉😉😉
izana: what you mean by that?
Mikey: we cant just tell the member that there will an fight in an few day cause it the traitor know, he tell his boss and they maybe change their plan. But you dont need to worry i have an plan to make sure they will not success on the day.😈😈😈
inui: so what you plan?
Mikey: you will see soon. Not let us forget about that and let us eat soba now causes i was hungry after that rush ways to here.
All or they in mind: what the duck just happened!! How an person can devil and turn into kitten in some second.😶😶😶

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