stay with stranger

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      Next morning, mikey had wake up from his bed and went to straight to bathroom and take and shower. Then he went to kitchen and made breakfast. After finished the breakfast and put on the table, he went went to his brother to wake up he and pick up some dirty cloth and put in big plactic bag to send at the laundry to wash it. Then he went to the table and eat breakfast with his brother.

Mikey: you say that at lunch later, there will be someone come here right?
Shinichiro: yes. Why you ask?
Mikey: oh, i think i have to go store to buy some groceries to cook for lunch later. So i want ask your send the dirty cloth at laundry after you finished you breakfast.
Shinichiro: ok, i will doing later.
Mikey : Thanks you so much.😊😊

          After clean the table and doing the dish, mikey went to the store to the groceries that he need to made the lunch later. At the store, he buy some meat, vegetable, mushroom and some sweet thing like jelly for the snack at the evening later. Then he went to counter to pay the groceries and there person infornt he that was pay his stuff. When the person want to leave the store, suddenly his wallet was fell from his pocket. Mikey was to scream at the person but he was went far from the store. So mikey take the wallet and keep in his bag, maybe he will bump into the person while he walk back later then he back to the counter and pay his groceries.

           A few time later, he had arrived at the the apartment and went straight to kitchen and put the groceries on the table and take apron and wear it before start cook the lunch. He made vegetable soup and griller meat with mushroom. After 2 hour, he had finished made the lunch and there and ding from the door, mikey went to open the door. When he open the door, he saw shinichiro with four guys. One with white hair, an guy with two different eye colour , an guys with burn scar and a guy with unique hair style. They all went inside and sit on the Couch at the living room. Mikey excude himself to the kitchen. Then the guy with two different eye colour come to mikey.

Kakachu: do you need help with the food?
Mikey: yes, can you help me carry the food and put on the table.
Kakachu: sure.
Mikey: thank you.

        Then kakuchu help mikey carry the food into the table while mikey carry and tray with an jug of water and glasses into the table. Then mikey tell shinichiro and other that lunch had ready. Shinichiro and other went to table and eat the lunch. About 30 minute later, they all had finished eat their lunch. Mikey pick up all the dirty dish and want to wash with help from kakuchu. After done washing all the dish, mikey went to living room where shinichiro and other at.

Shinichiro: so mikey , i want introdued you this izana, that kakuchu,inui and kokonui.
Mikey: ok, hello i am mikey. Nice to meet you all .
Izana,kakuchui,inui,kokonui: you too
Mikey: oh, before i forget, here i believe this belong to you
Kokonui: omg, where you find it?
Mikey: that fell off from your pocket earlier when you was out from store.
Kokonui: tq so much
Mikey: you are welcome. So shin kun, why they at here?
Shinichiro: actually mikey, tomorrow i will no here for some day.
Mikey: ok and?
Shinichiro: so i want you stayed with they for some day until i come back.
Mikey: but why? I can take care of myself.
Shinichiro: i know that you can take care of to youself but i worry about your safety. And izana can take look of  you when i was not here.
Mikey: ok fine, i will stayed with they.
Shinichiro: that my brother.

    Then mikey went to his bedroom and packed some cloth and snack then put they in his bag. He went out and go to izana and other who wait for he and they went to an car that park not far from the apartment. Mikey and other went inside the car. On the way to izana place, mikey fell sleep. After few time later, they arrived at an building. Mikey wake up and went inside the building . when he went inside, he ask izana where his will sleep tonight. Izana show he an room.

Izana: that your room but you had to shared with someone. I hope you dont mind.
Mikey: sure, i dont mind
Izana: ok, suit yourselt then.

Then izana and other just leave and mikey will inside into the room. In the room, there an queen sized bed, an table and an closet. Mikey put his stuff and went to lay on the bed. Then the door was open and there standing sanzu.

Sanzu: mikey?what you doing here?
Mikey: hello sanzu, i will stay here for some day until my brother come back from his work. 
Sanzu: ok, aleast i had someone to chat at the night .
Mikey: yes, me too. A least i have someone that i know here
Skip to dinner time
     Mikey and sanzu went out from their bedroom and went to the Dinning table. There some pizza on the table. Mikey not question it and just eat the pizza.

Kakuchu: so mikey like you had know your roomate.
Mikey: yes, i had meet he a few day ago.
Inui: so mikey, can you tell our about yourself.
Mikey: " tell them  a few thing about his self"
Izana: wait, did you mention that you had fight and injuried some other member of ( random name) gang even your not in a gang
Mikey: yes, but it not my fault that i was at the wrong place at the wrong time when there an fight between gangs.😡😡😡
izana: so that was your first time you fight with an gang. Right.
Mikey: actually, before i moved and live with shinichiro, i had beat up about 30  people.
All of they except mikey: what !!!
Mikey: it cause they want attack me first or insuit me and i think some of they was in hospital for an long time after beat up they.
IZANA: it that so, why shinichiro like dont believes you to stay alone?
Mikey: sigh, i guess that because he was scared that i will hurt myself again.
Kakuchu: hurt yourself? Do you cut?
Mikey: yes but i have stop about 2 year ago.
Izana: it that so, but why you not in your brother gang?
Mikey: causes i dont interest in gang world. Plus shin kun will not  let me join one. It that all, can i go now?
Izana: why, it still early.
Mikey: i usually sleep at this time. So good bye and good nigth.

    Then mikey walk into the room and sleep.

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