home sweet home

486 29 2

Skip to a few day later.

Today was the day that shinichiro will back from his work trip and mikey can back to his brother apartment. He packed all his stuff into the his bag and Went out from the bedroom and went to the kitchen to made breakfast. A few time, later other had wake up and went to the table and eat the breakfast that mikey had made. They are look sad.

Mikey: why you all are sad?
Sanzu: causes you will back stay with your brother today.
Mikey: dont be sad, we can still meet up and hang up again later.
Rindou: i will miss your cooked
Other: yes
Mikey: aww, how about this. If you want to taste my cooked, you all invited to come at shin apartment and i will cook to you.
Kakuchu: are you sure? Did shinichiro will be mad if we come to his apartment.
Mikey: nah, i sure he wound mind and if he dont let you come, i handing he.
Izana: so.. What time you will back to shinichiro apartment?
Mikey: after i finished eat breakfast, i will leave.
Izana: ok, ride safe.
Mikey: ok, bye you all and if you want hang up or want to visit me, please call me.
all of they: ok, bye mikey.

Then mikey walk out from tenjiku base and went to his bike and straight back to shinichiro apartment. On the his way, he stop at the an food stall and buy some taiyaki and went to an park to eat it and coutinues went back to the apartment. About 20 minutes, he arrived at the apartment and parked his bike at the parking lot. Then he went inside at the apartment and went inside into his room and changed his cloth. He went out from the room and start to clean the livingroom. About 30 minutes later, he fell sleep and just sleep on the couch. When he wake up, it already 2pm. He take his phone and saw some messege from shinichiro that he will back at night and an miss call from kazutora. So he call kazutora.

Kazutora: hello?
Mikey: hello, kazutora. Sorry it earlier i dont pick up causes i just wake up from my noon sleep, so why you call me ?
Kazutora: that fine, i want to know if you want to hang up with me and my friend this evening ?
Mikey: sure, just send location and i will meet then.
Kazutora: ok,then see you later.

Then mikey wake up from the Couch and went to his room and take and towel before went to bathroom and shower. And few minutes, he went out from the bathroom and went to his room to changed cloth then walk out from the apartment and ride his bike to the location that kazutora send. When he arrived at there, he saw kazutora with hanma and and guy with yellow hair and glasses.

Kazutora: yo mikey, nice bike that you have
Mikey: thanks.
Hanma: so, where you had been for a few days, i dont see you .
Mikey: my brother had went to an trip work and i had to live at my step brother place.
Kisaki: sorry it i ask, but who is your step brother. And btw i am kisaki.
Mikey: hello kisaki, i am mikey and to anwers your question my step brother name is izana.
Kazutora: i ...izana , you mean kurawa izana, the leader of tenjiku gang?!!
Mikey: ummm, yes? Why you three look shocked?
Hanma: cause his gang was one of most gang in the tokyo and we shocked that you just not brother of black dragon but also step brother of tenjiku leader. Maybe one day, we get know that you secrectly was an hitman or something. Hahaha

Then mikey face become red and they notice that.

Hanma: eh, why wrong mikey? Why your face become red after i mention about hitman. Wait .... You was an hitman?!
Mikey: fine, you caught me. And i will happy that anyone of you dont tell anyone else about this or
Kazutora: or what ?
Mikey: or i will brake you neck and cut your nut and fed it to street dog and maybe i will come at your house and hang up the bloody chicken infornt house until you become crazy or...
Hanma: ok stop it, we dont tell anyone but do anyone else know about this.
Mikey: yes, the tenjiku know about this and it i hear that anyone else beside you three and the tenjiku know about this. Let say your will hope that you never hope to born. 😇😇😇
Three of they : ooookkk..
Mikey: good let us go causes i hungry now. 🤗🤗🤗
Three,of they In minf : what swing mood. 😶😶😶

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