the sleepover at tenjiku

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      After the fight, mikey went to wash his self and he had change his cloth into an black and white hoodie and a grey short and tied his hair into an pony tail. Then he went to kitchen and made the some ramen for he and other for dinner. After an few time later,  he call other for dinner. They all went into the and eat their dinner.

Izana: so mikey, during the fight earlier, i dont see around and suddenly, you already behind the leader. Care to explain?
Mikey: actually, i was standing not far from the fight to wait for right time to attack he and when the time come, i just sneak behind his back and point and gun into his neck.
Ran: do you find the traitor?
Mikey: yes, but you dont need to worry i have handed it.
Rindou: what you do to the traitor. Do you kill he?
Mikey: that secret and it i have kill he, who will support his family? You want to support ?
Ran: it you dont kill he, what you do?
Mikey: let say i just send he and his Family to an place that he can support his family and live at there happly. Now let us got finished our dinner before it cold.

  A few moment later, they all finished their
Dinner, they went to living room and doing their own bussiness. Ran, rindou,izana and kakuchu was watching television. Inui and kokonui was doing some work, mikey was washing the dish at the kitchen and sanzu was just lay on the ground and read some mazgine.

Sanzu: i so bored now.
Ran: so what you want to doing now.
Sanzu: how about we all play dare or truth? Who want to join?
Ran: sure why not.
Rindou: me too
Other: i will join.
Izana:oi, mikey do you want to want with me?
Mikey: what game?
Izana: dare or true.
Mikey: umm... Sure why not.
Sanzu: ok, let start. Ummm kokonui, dare or true?
Koko: dare.
Sanzu: i dare you to Stand on the Couch then jump and scream ' i am gay'
Koko: fine. Then made the dare.
Koko:ran, dare or truth.
Ran: dare.
Koko: i dare you to wear and dress and sing ' i barbie girls'
Ran: fine. He stand and went to his room and then out and wear an dress and sing that song.
Rindou: i dont know that you into that type and where the duck you get that dress?
Ran: ummm...dont you remember that we had undercover as girl on an mission. Ok now. izana, dare or truth?
Izana: truth.
Ran: what your relation with mikey?
Izana: he is my step brother. Shinichiro adoptep me an few year ago.
Ran: oh....
Izana: mikey, dare or truth?
Mikey: ummm...truth?
Izana: tell us why you become and hitman and why you not had tell us about your life before moved here?
Mikey: sigh. Ok fine, the first time i become an hitman because i had saved an man from get rob by some thug and the man was an boss of an mafia gang and he offer me to work with he but after he passed away, i stopped to been hitman. And about my life before moved here,let say it was like an hell to me. I always been alone cause my mom and dad always busy and i have no friend cause i was home school by my brother and when i was 12, i have to work causes my family have money crisis at the time. After an few month, the crisis had gone but i still to work cause i enjoyed the freedom when i was work. And there one time, there creepy old man was stalk me when i work and when i was walked back home, he follow me and suddenly drag me and tried to touch me and luckly i had brought an black papper spray  with me and spray to he and run to get help and luckly there an police car was passed at there and i run to the car and tell the police what just happened to me. The creepy old was arrest not long later and was wanted by police for an long time cause he had doing the same thing to some kids. From the day, i had quit my work and just stay at home and doing some accounting for some company to earn my own money. That all.
Inui: wow mikey, i dont know you had been through such as childhood.
Other: yes. How you can still been happy after face all of that?
Mikey: causes my old friend had say that  we only live once and we had enjoy it.
Kakuchu: where he now ?
Mikey: in the better place like heaven.
Kakuchu: you mean.... , oh sorry i ask that ?
What happend to he?
Mikey: he died cause he have an brain cancer. Let us forget about that. Ok? And i will go now cause i feel sleepy now. So good night and see you all tomorrow. Bye.
Other: good night,mikey.

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