author's note

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Hi there :) First of all, I'm not a native english speaker, so forgive me for likely mistakes. And also feel free to correct them!

Okay, so about this fanfic. It will be about Harry's son, James, and his years at Hogwarts. There will be romance somewhere in his later years, but I'll come to that then. There's going to be some major plot that will continue through the story and make it all a little bit more exciting. I really hope some people will give it a try and read it. I will take the already known characters such as the other Weasleys + children and so on, but I'll also add new characters.

James' parents are Harry and Ginny Potter, and he has two younger siblings, Albus and Lily, and basically an older brother, Teddy Lupin. He is a lot like his grandfather, from whom he's got his name. He even has got his (and Harry's of course) good looks, and pretty much is aware of it.

Also, the story will grow to be more mature as the characters grow up, but for now they're only first-years.

Anyway, let's start :D

Hi, it's James. James Potter.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang