what a question - year 1

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"So, Harry, what do you think is the best duelling spell? We're supposed to write an essay about or favourite one, and I'm not really sure. And I kind of forgot to do it, so I've only one day left.", Ted said with a tilted smile.


"What? Why? It's like completely ... useless."

"Shouldn't have said that.", Ginny stated as Harry jumped up from the dinner table and looked at Ted in shock.

"The Expelliarmus? Useless? What? It's like the best spell there is!"

Ted frowned in confusion: "I've never seen anyone use it. It's more the Stupefy or Flipendo, you know, that stuff that really does something."

"That stuff that really does something? Ginny, we've raised this kid all the way wrong.", Harry groaned.

Ted now looked really taken aback.

"Alright Teddy.", Harry sat back down again and faced his godson, "The Expelliarmus is one extremely powerful and useful spell. I, for one, defeated Voldemort with it. Actually, every time I battled him, I used the Expelliarmus."

"It was or is pretty much his signature spell, the Death Eaters recognized him because of it.", Ginny threw in.

"Was you DADA teacher bad and didn't teach you better stuff? Or were you only able to do this one spell. That's risky, fighting in a war with only this spell. And I really thought Voldemort had higher standards."

Harry looked at Ted in desperation: "Okay, we've got to set your worldview straight. Ginny, tell me again, how did we raise these kids, nearly despising the Expelliarmus."

"Well, they're not that wrong.", Ginny snickered and Harry gave her a shocked look.

"What does the Expelliarmus do?", Lily piped up.

"I'm gonna show you how things are.", Harry said grimly, "Into the living room, there's place enough."

"Don't destroy anything, please.", Ginny said but followed curiously.

They went into the living room, leaving their food on standing on the table, and James threw himself onto the couch like he was about to watch TV.

"Teddy, wand out, over there.", Harry ordered and pointed towards the other side of the room, "Try to defend yourself in any way you can."

"Nothing destructive, please.", Ginny murmured.

Ted started and wanted to bow, but Harry waved off: "Nobody does that in real life. It's this stupid thing they teach you at school. Now beware ... Expelliarmus!"

Before Ted was able to do anything, he was thrown back and his wand was ripped out of his hand.

Lily gasped and Albus and James cheered.

Ted straightened up again and brushed back his hair with his hand: "Okay, it does do something. Even though I haven't got that hang of it. But how in the world would you fight Voldemort with it and even kill him?"

"Well, it worked, and that's fine for me. I've got to admit, during normal duelling slash battling, I use other spells, too, but the Expelliarmus is my favourite one. It doesn't do too much harm but your opponent can't defend or attack anymore."

"I see your point but why would I appoint it for the best duelling spell?", Ted asked.

"You disarm your opponent if it's successful. So he can't use his wand anymore. When you master the spell even more, you can get the wand of your opponent thrown towards you and catch it. Then it's a little bit more easy to master than most other spells.

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