songs and potions - year 1

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Hello mummy, hello daddy!

First of all, I got into gryffindor!!! Dominique did, too. I stood up earlier to write you, so right now I'm sitting in the common room by the fire place. I've already made some friends here, they're really nice. The sorting yesterday really was exciting, the sorting hat even mentioned you, dad! Not by name, but still, he mentioned the chosen one. I guess there's nothing else to tell, really, after all I've just arrived. I'm going to go and search the owlery now to send this letter with peanut. Teddy surely won't mind. Anyway I hope this day will be exciting and everything, but I actually don't doubt it, IT'S SO COOL HERE!!!!

Do send Al and Lily my love, I've even added the chocolate frogs! Matthew, a guy I met at the train who got into hufflepuff wanted to eat them, but I successfully defended them 8)

Love, James

"G'morning!", a voice behind James yawned.

With a start, he turned around and recognized Alice.

"Oh it's you. What're you up for so early?"

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I thought I'd take a morning walk through the castle, you know, get to know it."

"Why don't you join me and help searching the owlery? I want to send a letter.", James asked delighted, trying to get behind Alice's bad mood fassade.

Alice shrugged: "Well, why not. Let's go."

They left through the portrait hole and went off into a random direction.

"Who is this letter for anyways?", Alice asked.

"My parents, I promised to write as soon as possible. And they will be so proud for me making Gryffindor.", he answered.

Her face had an expression he couldn't read.

"What about yours, they surely want know where you ended up, too, right?", James asked to keep the conversation going.

"Never you mind!", Alice told him harshly.

Confused James looked at her in question, but she didn't answer his look.

For some minutes they walked in silence until they saw a ghost in front of them.

He looked rather solid than the ones they had already seen in the Great Hall, and wore a bell-covered hat.

"Why don't we ask this one where to go, we can save some time of walking.", James suggested.

"Mhm, let's ask him.", Alice replied.

"Erm Excuse me?", James started.

The ghost turned, and a delighted expression started to stretch over his face.

"First-years, are you now?", he grinned rather mischievously.

"Yeah. We were wondering if you could show us the way to the owlery?", James asked.

"Of course I can! I love to help poor first-years who got lost in the big, big, scary castle.", the ghost smiled happily at them, "Just go upstairs around the corner, to the seventh floor. Then you turn right until you see a portrait of a fruit bowl. There you turn left and walk until you find the statue of a gargoyle. To enter you have to sing the Hogwarts song, but not too silent as it is almost deaf."

"Er, what??", James asked bewildered.

But the ghost was already floating away and within seconds gone around the next corner.

"Sing the Hogwarts song?", James turned to Alice.

She shrugged and said: "Well, apparently. Come on, let's go, by now I'm pretty hungry."

Hi, it's James. James Potter.Where stories live. Discover now