a new arrival - year 1

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"James, you know you're such an idiot.", Dominique said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Indeed you are! You could've taken us with you!", Alice added.

Dominique threw her a look.

"What? With me they wouldn't have been caught!"

"True. Besides James' head being pretty big, there's nothing in it."

Dominique received a blow from James on her head which she returned immediately, they only stopped hitting each other when they got to their Charms classroom, and went in to sit down.

James, Lucas, Leo, Alice and Dominique were the first ones to be there for the first time, so they could choose their seats next to each other as far in the back as possible (the boys request).

They had only been able to be there this early because they had calculated about half an hour just to find the class room which they found surprisingly fast in the end.

Slowly the other students rolled in, to their disgust they had Charms lessons together with the Slytherins.

The tiny Professor Flitwick had to stand on a book pile to look over his desk as he read the names out loud.

When he came to "Potter, James!", he actually fell off.

James grinned knowingly and told Leo sincerely: "I get that a lot, they're all so flattened when they get to meet a real Potter."

Instead Professor Flitwick murmured to himself while getting up: "Not another Potter, I think I have to resign now!"

Lucas and Leo snorted out with laughter but nevertheless James thought it a rather honoring thing that the professor fell off when he read his name.

When he came to "Weasley, Dominique!", he swayed again but gripped the desk just in time.

Their first task this lesson was to make a feather fly, and with a 'swish and flick'-like movement and the incantation 'Wingardium Leviosa' they were to accomplish that.

By the end of the lesson only James, Dominique, Benjamin and another Slytherin girl had been able to let their feather hover over them.

The professor wasn't looking surprised by the small amount of students who had succeeded but told them to look up the charm and practice.


In the afternoon they had Defence against the Dark Arts lesson, which consisted only of theory, so, in James opinion just really boring.

After that, one hour Herbology with Neville was to follow.

Of course, James and Dominique weren't to call him Neville but Professor Longbottom, what James thought rather weird, seeing as they knew him personally.

The lesson with him was pretty Neville-like for he stood in front of them and excitedly lectured about the basics of gardening magical plants.

But, also pretty boring in James opinion.

They stepped out of the greenhouse and only Dominique seemed to have taken something out of the lesson with her, for she always had had a liking for plants, especially magical ones.

Now James, Leo, Lucas, Alice and Dominique decided to stay outside until dinner which was in about an hour.

They went to the shore of the Great Lake where they sat down and enjoyed the last bits of the september sun.

"You already know Professor Longbottom, don't you?", Leo asked James and Dominique.

Before leaving they had had a few words with the professor, sending greetings and this kind of stuff.

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