an old friend - year 1

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"So you just gotta tickle this pear ... like this.", Ted said.

They stood in front of a painting of a bowl of fruit and Ted had just tickled the pear on it.


But to James' surprise the pear giggled and turned into a green door handle that Ted now pulled and thus opened a hidden door.

"I present to you ... the kitchen!", Ted announced, not without a hint of pride.

"No way!", James said, his eyes growing wide.

Dozens and dozens of house elves were here, everyone of them doing something, some doing the dishes, some preparing what looked like today's dessert on four big tables that looked exactly like the house tables.

A particularly old one waddled towards them, wearing a bright pink towel.

"Winky!", James called out.

"James Potter and Teddy Lupin have come to visit Winky the house elf!", the elf said with a raspy voice.

Windy had kind of become the Potters house elf.

Dobby's death had been a hard blow for her at first, but then she slowly got over her Mr. Crouch obsession and Dobbys death had been a lesson for her.

She was convinced it was her fault, and until today, nobody could change her mind.

The good thing on this situation was that she was desperate to take Dobbys place, and when she did so, she finally understood and found it to be very convenient.

On her old days, she had become a happy house elf, eager to help anyone, but especially the Potters.

Harry's gesture to Dobby, burying him, had been a huge thing to her that made her appreciate him very much.

When Ted, James, Albus and Lily had been very small, she had been there to help with the household and everything.

Now she worked at Hogwarts and occasionally visited the Potters.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time.", James told Winky, hugging her tightly.

Winky grinned from ear to ear: "Well, your parents don't need me often nowadays."

She gestured James and Ted down to her height: "I think they don't want to burden Winky because she's gotten old, and Winky really likes this gesture even though she could easily do the whole household of Harry Potter."

James chuckled: "You have to come for Christmas though."

Winkys eyes filled with tears: "Oh, Winky would love that, Master James."

"Like you wouldn't be with us every Christmas.", he laughed heartily.

"But Master James, what has happened to your face?", the elf said, suddenly very upset.

"I ... got into a fight."

"But James Potter shouldn't be doing that if he looks like this afterwards. Should Winky take care of the attacker?", she said concerned.

"No, Winky, it's fine, really.", James said hastily.

"We were wondering if we could get something to eat, James and I missed dinner.", Ted interfered.

"Oh yes, Winky will prepare a bag with food for both of you!", the elf said delighted and hurried away.

James looked at hubbub of house elves, amazed.

"How do you know this place?"

"Actually, your Dad told me when I was in first year.", Ted smiled.

"What? And he didn't tell me?", James asked indignantly.

Hi, it's James. James Potter.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora