held hostage - year 1

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"James Potter. I've been waiting for this moment."

Ms. Sorenell grinned maliciously at James, the light coming from her wand illuminating her long, pale, twisted face.

"Ms. Sorenell!", James stuttered, dumbfounded.

"Oh, forget this stupid Sorenell. I am Joleen Dolohov. My father is Antonin Dolohov, one of the most feared Death Eaters.", Ms. Sorenell, or better, Joleen Dolohov, grinned maniacally.

"Why did you do this?", James whispered.

"Oh, it's nothing, really. I just want my father out of Azkaban. So it's gonna be a little trade. You against Antonin Dolohov."

"But- Why'd you try to kill me?"

"Oh, I didn't want to kill you. I just wanted to let you pay, but kill you? No.", Joleen Dolohov smiled softly.

"You did almost kill me! And I didn't even do anything.", James stared at her.

"Oh, you didn't, but your father did. He is the reason for the downfall of the Dark Lord. I can't get to him, he is way to skilled and protected, but once I saw the job ad in the Daily Prophet, I saw my chance and took it.

With the help of my nephew and his friends, I sent you those threat messages and set up the ... incidents, to make you afraid."

She grinned evilly: "And I think I was successful. Ohh, how good it feels to watch somebody being frightened for their life. Even though I didn't have the chance to watch you properly, I can imagine."

"You're crazy.", James murmured, "And I wasn't even slightly afraid."

"Don't worry, you will be.", with that, Dolohov grabbed his arm and pulled him forward.

James tried to point his wand at her while she dragged him out of the trees: "I'm going to hex you if you don't let us go!"

"Pathetic. You're a first-year, I'm a highfully skilled wizard."

James tore himself free, but before he had even screamed 'Flipendo', Dolohov lazily flicked her wand and disarmed him without any effort.

"Don't even try, it's useless. Now, let's get ready, shall we?"

She turned towards the fire, where James suddenly discovered Dominique lying besides it, unconscious.

Then Alice jumped out of the trees calling: "Flipendo!"

The result was rather weak to be honest.

The spell hit Dolohov in the back, but she only stumbled forwards and wasn't knocked out like Alice had hoped to.

She turned immediately, pointing her wand at Alice: "Expulso!"

Alice was thrown at least six feet high and crashed against a tree where she fell down and didn't move anymore.

"So much more effective than Flipendo.", Joleen Dolohov stated coldly.

"No! What've you done?", James called out, running towards Alice.

He examined her, she was knocked out cold and it seemed like the back of her head was bleeding.

"You can be glad I didn't kill her. I told you not to bring anyone. Now, come before I do."

"I can't let her lie here in the snow! She'll die!", James called out desperately.

"And if you don't come here immediately, she will die right now!", Dolohov told him coldly.

James put his scarf under Alice's head to prop it up at least a little bit.

"I'm sorry Al.", he whispered, going towards Dolohov, having no chance whatsoever than to obey.

Hi, it's James. James Potter.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя