mini gets really angry - year 1

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James was quite happy to be back in Hogwarts, they had a very nice welcome back dinner.

Together with the fourth-years, the Beauxbatons exchange students had arrived, but James only noticed them by the way, other than their different robes he didn't find them any interesting.

His happiness was dampened though when they arrived at their dorm while still chattering animatedly about their holidays (Benjamin told them how he'd been to Norway).

James immediately saw the piece of paper on his pillow when he walked towards his bed.

"Oh, shit, here we go again.", he muttered, and quickly picked it up.

Just because I've failed so far, doesn't mean I can't bring up the guns in a better way. I suggest you keep quiet about me, because if not, one of your friends has to suffer. And believe me, I'm faster than your Daddy or Mummy.


"Guys, look at this.", James called over to Lucas and Leo who were having a fake box fight.

"What's up?", Lucas said, landing a hit into Leo's belly, "Reflexes Leo!"

"Seriously, look.", James repeated.

They stopped their fight, and grinning Lucas took the paper from James' hand.

His grin quickly turned into a shocked look, and Leo's, who had been reading over Lucas' shoulder, too.

"Come on, I thought this guy would've stopped this shit.", Lucas called out.

"We'll show that to Mini and Al right now.", Leo stated.

"No!", James said firmly.

After a few seconds on thinking how angry Dominique and Alice both would be if they found out, especially Dominique whom he had promised to tell such things, he changed his mind: "Yes. Let's go."

"What's up with you guys?", Benjamin asked suspiciously, but none of them answered.

They stormed downstairs, passing some confused Gryffindor boys, and arrived at the common room.

Overseeing the almost empty common room, they quickly observed that Alice and Dominique weren't there.

"Merlin, I think they've gone to their dormitory already.", Leo sighed.

"Nevermind that, let's go there.", James said, and he and Lucas started to make their way upstairs to the girls dormitories while Leo still expressed his concerns: "Do you really think we're allowed up there at night? Whoaaa!"

The stairs had turned into a long, smooth stone slide that Lucas and James now slided back down, crashing right into Leo who was still standing at the bottom of the stairs.

The whole common room, or at least the dozen people who were still there, broke into laughter.

"What in the name of bloody Merlin was that?", James called out loudly.

"I've seen many girls going up to our dormitory.", Lucas said annoyed.

"And no boys up to the girls dormitories.", Leo muttered, scrambling out of the little human pile they made.

"Hi James.", Cassie Shaw, the Gryffindor Chaser grinned down at them.

"Hi Cassie.", James groaned as Lucas sat up, using him as a prop he could lean on, "What the heck is wrong with those stairs."

"No boys allowed in the girls dormitories, founders rule.", she snickered, "Here, get up."

James took her hand and stood up, fixing his clothes and pushing his glasses up again.

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