detention the first - year 1

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"Shut it! All of you!"



"Step of my foot, whoever you are!"

"All right if you don't shut up right now I am going to go out and surrender myself to Mrs Norris!"

Finally everyone got quiet.

Leo, Lucas, James, Dominique and Alice were standing in a broom closet huddled together and holding their breath.

They had stuck to their plan and met up at one o' clock to 'get to know the castle'.

They had gotten pretty far, they were somewhere in the dungeons, but when they'd just decided to try and find their way back, they had seen Mrs Norris at the end of the corridor they had just wanted to enter.

After a panicked sprint Alice had yanked open a random door which turned out to be a pretty small broom cabinet.

At least for five people.

They all listened hard for any noise, and after a few minutes, they really heard Mr. Filch talking outside.

"You have to see, Ms. Sorenell, those children", he spat the word children out like something really disgusting, "they tend to strut around the castle at night. Yesterday I caught three Gryffindor boys, one of them being a Potter!"

He emphasized the word Potter almost as disgusted as the word children.

"I've known them all! I've known James Potter, I've known Harry Potter, and I just know that he's the same. There's no need to treat them indulgently, they have to learn the boundaries. I know, McGonagall also doesn't want to approve of chains and so on, but I'm working on it."

"Don't worry, I won't treat them indulgently.", Ms Soronell laughed unpleasantly, "Tell me about the Potters though, I am intrigued."

With that their voices faded away.

The five children endured about ten more minutes in the closet before Lucas piped up, whispering: "Shouldn't they be gone by now?"

"I think so. Let's carefully get out, wait I'm gonna go first!", with that, Alice pushed the door cautiosly open, and stuck her head out.

"I think the path is clear. Quiet y'all, I think they went that way."

Alive led the way to the other direction she had pointed to, trying to widen the distance to where she assumed Filch and Soronell as fast as possible.

"Phew, that was close.", Leo sighed.

"But we did it didn't we?", James grinned.

"Didn't I tell you we wouldn't get caught when I'm with you?", Alice smirked.

"Oh, we wouldn't have been caught without you as well.", James said.

"Yeah, you set the example yesterday, didn't you?"

"Well... unlucky I say.", he answered.

"Why is Filch so upset against you and your family James?", Lucas asked thoughtful.

"Yeah, he sounded like he downright hated you.", Dominique added shuddering.

"I've no idea, and Ms Soronell seemed pretty interested, don't you think? That look that she gave me at dinner.. Lucas you saw it, didnt you?"

"Hm, she did throw a not so nice look."

"It is weird... I guess you were right with not liking her Al.", James noted.

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