team loser - year 1

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It took people only two weeks until James and Dominique were able to enter the Great Hall without being stared at and gossiped about.

James was almost disappointed, but Dominique grinned when they sat down at breakfast the first time not being stared at.

"This is good. Weather's good. Today we have no lessons. Today is good.", she said happily.

"Mhm.", Alice yawned.

Everyone else was pretty tired, there had been another late night stroll this night.

Leo put his head down onto his arms right when he sat down and fell asleep immediately.

James finally woke up properly when he saw the food, and started to hoard cheese and ham toasts on his plate.

"Oi, James, Mini!", Victoire had come down the table.

"I've been waiting for you to finally come down. Weather's looking good for the first time this year, and after Teddy and I need a break from studying, we've decided to have a Quidditch match. You in?"

"Absolutely, yes!", James told her excitedly.

"My day couldn't get any better.", Dominique said satisfied.

"Good, you're friends can join us, too, if they want to. We're meeting up at eleven o'clock at the Quidditch pitch, everyone too late isn't allowed to participate.", with that, Victoire turned and went back to her friends.

"Excellent!", James highfived Dominique.

"Do you want to join us?", Dominique grinned towards the others.

"Oh, no, I'd rather spend the day uninjured.", Lucas refused.

"And you know my broom skills. They're no better in Quidditch, I don't even know the rules.", Alice shuddered, and Leo raised his hand at this, trying to tell everyone that he was with Alice on this one.

"Sooner or later I'm going to teach you Quidditch. For now we should get going, eleven is already in half an hour.", James said.

Lucas, Alice and Leo decided to come down and watch from the stands and after they had fetched some warmer clothes, since it was only late March, and still cold, they went down together.

When they arrived at the pitch, Lucas, Leo and Alice turned towards the stands where Leo immediately lay down on a bench and fell asleep.

James and Dominique went towards the middle of the field after they had fetched two brooms out of the Changing Rooms.

There were already several people.

At first there were Ted and his friends Mike and Julian, the Gryffindor prefect, Victoire and two other fifth-years, a boy and a girl James only knew by sight.

Fred, Molly and a friend of theirs, Nick were there, Roxanne, Cassie and another friend of them, Tristan.

At last Lucy came running down the pitch, a broom in her hands and breathlessly coming to a halt at them.

"Fifteen people.", James heard Ted murmur towards Mike.

"Well, I can do referee, that'd be no problem.", he shrugged.

"That'd be great.", and then Ted raised his voice so everyone listened to him, "Good, we're making two teams."

Immediately everyone tried to pair up with someone in order to play with the best.

"Nope, not like this, we're drawing lots."

James groaned, he had sprinted towards Fred and Cassie, the only both students of them who were on a Quidditch team.

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