nightly winter-wonderland - year 1

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"Alright everyone, here comes my favourite part.", Molly announced and  clapped into her hands.

James gave Dominique a look, and several sighs were to hear.

"Mum, can't we just skip it this year?", Ron tried.

"Ronald Weasley, absolutely not.", she said indignantly, "Fred, what're you doing?"

"I ... wanted to go to the toilet, Grandma.", he answered.

"For sure he did.", Roxanne murmured next to James, and he laughed.

"You can hold that back until we're done. Alright.", Molly said enthusiastically, walking over to a radio that stood in the corner.

Twenty seconds later, 'A cauldron full of hot strong love' rang through the living room and James closed his eyes in annoyance.

Happily, Molly danced through the room towards Arthur who had a pained expression on his face which Molly skilfully ignored.

"Come on, Arthur, dear, for old times sake.", Molly said, "Let's go, everyone, join up! You children, too, I want to see a good waltz from everyone!"

The adults stood up sighing, they had to endure this every year.

Lily and Hugo immediately stood up and started hopping through the room together, the rest stayed in their seats until Molly waltzed over and gave them a furious look.

Ted was first to invite Victoire for a dance, and grudgingly James followed his example with Dominique.

"Come on, little niece. In two minutes it over.", Charlie asked Roxanne for a dance, he was her godfather, who answered with "I'm not that little anymore, I'm in second year at hogwarts already."

The others all joined up, too, and it went to be quite funny since they made a game of dancing into each other, George and Angelina being the roughest, waltzing so overmotivated that they accidentally knocked over Lily and Hugo.

Even though you couldn't call it dancing, it was more of a hopping and giggling and bumping.

When the song was over, everyone plopped back down on their seats again, and Molly hurried into the kitchen and came back with her homemade Fudge and a tablet with glasses of Firewhisky that she handed out.

When Fred tried to sneak himself one, he earned himself a slap on his fingers.

"What do you say, Teddy, you're seventeen, I think you've earned yourself a glass now, too.", Arthur announced.

Molly frowned: "Arthur, are you sure-"

"Mum, he's old enough now, he can try if he wants to.", Ginny interrupted her Mum.

"Alright, Teddy, you want one?", she asked.

"Yes, please, I love Firewhisky!", he exclaimed.

Several looks met his face.

"Uh, I just heard it's very good.", he tried to escape.

"Teddy Lupin!", Andromeda said scandalized, "You're head boy!"

"Well, everyone-"

"You shouldn't be everyone, that-"

"You know Andromeda, he is of age by now, and hasn't everyone of us done so?", Arthur smiled lightly.

She huffed, but let go of Ted, she only eyed the glass in his hand suspiciously.

"I haven't.", Ron said to his father reproachfully.

"After the war you did indeed.", Hermione told him.

"But Teddy's still in school."

"I think that are different circumstances, or do you see him traveling across the country, searching for- uh, trying not to get caught.", Hermione explained.

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