the last message - year 1

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Quietly, James, Lucas, Leo and Alice walked through the dark corridors.

"But she can't be out here anymore, she'd get in detention if she were. She wouldn't do this if she wouldn't be with us.", Lucas whispered.

"I know, it is weird.", James agreed.

About one staircase and five corners later, they were at the Charms classroom.

James pushed against the door, and it went open.

More darkness greeted them.

"Mini?", James called out quietly, and got no answer.

"She isn't here.", Leo stated.

"Let's have a look if she picked up your stuff, James.", Alice suggested.

They entered the class room, and Leo lit up his wand.

Lucas tried, too, and with his second attempt, he did it.

"Alright, there's my seat. But I can't see my quill or my book.", James stated.

"There's a piece of paper, is that yours?", Lucas asked, picking it up.

"Oh no.", he said completely shocked when he looked at it, "No. No."

"What?", James and Alice asked simultaneously, and the three of them peeked over Lucas' shoulder.

I've got your cousin. Actually, I wanted you to come fetch your stuff, but it's fine either way.

Now, don't tell anyone, or Weasley is going to suffer before you've even looked at someone to ask for help. I want you to come to the Forbidden Forest, alone.

Tell your little friends to stay at the castle, and don't tell anyone, otherwise they won't see either of you alive.

Enter the forest next to the Gamekeepers hut, and go straight ahead until you find a big clearing, you'll find the way.



"That can't be true.", James whispered deeply shocked, "No, please."

He hadn't noticed that Leo had gripped his arm firmly while reading, and now, when he finally let go and slowly sat down, he felt the spot on his arm burning.

"James, you can't go there alone.", Alice said desperate, "I will come with you."

"No, he can't even go!", Leo whisper-shouted, "They could do anything with you. Even ... kill you."

"No.", James shook his head, still in a state of shock, realizing what he just read, "I've got to go. Alone. Just imagine what they could do to Mini if I won't."

"But what do you want to do when you're there? In the end it'll be you and Mini in captivity.", Lucas said.

"I'm- I'm going to try and get her out of there. Without being captivated."

"You're a first-year, idiot!", Alice called out.

"Pshhht! So are you."

"And I am so coming with you. Two is better than one."

"Three.", Lucas corrected.

"Four is even better.", Leo added with a shaky voice.

"No, seriously! We don't know what this J.D. could do to Mini if he or she notices you all coming with me.", James said frustrated.

Hi, it's James. James Potter.Where stories live. Discover now