Fame Hungry Superstar

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Episode 1: Tommy Thunder: Method Actor

Episode 1: Tommy Thunder: Method Actor

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Yasemin's POV

Today we were gonna meet Tommy Thunder. I recently just started watching his movies with Sonic. But here's the thing we both don't find his movies all realistic, more just dramatic and so overrated.

Now we were outside Meh burger waiting for him to come out to sign autographs for the fans

Knuckles: I can't believe we're about to meet Tommy Thunder! He's my favorite movie star! He's got it all: Strength, muscles, ability to LIFT stuff!

Amy: Not to mention eyes you could get lost in for days! Right, Yasemin?

Yasemin: (sarcastic) yeah sure he's the total package

Then Sonic chuckles beside me

Tails: Hey, remember when Tommy was being chased by ninja pirates while skiing down Haunted Mountain?

Knuckles: What movie was that again?

Tails: Ninja Ski Pirates on Haunted Mountain?

Knuckles: I don't think that was it.

Sonic: Tommy's movies are great, but his heroics can sometimes seem unrealistic.

Yasemin: and the movies in general are all just overrated

Then Sonic nodded his head

Sticks: Oh come ON! It doesn't get any MORE realistic than the underwater bear fight in "Mutant Commando 3"!

Yasemin: You call that realistic? More like a complete fantasy

Then Dave came in to introduce Tommy Thunder

Dave: Ladies and gentlemen, here to promote his new movie with some cheaply made Meh Meal toys... which by the way are guaranteed to have 12% fewer jagged edges!...

Dave touches the toy, hurting his finger.

Dave: Ow...

The toy falls to the ground

Dave: Anyway, here he is, the star of Tommy Thunder presents: Tommy Thunder in "Rise of the Thunder King"... Tommy... uh... (Gets a piece of paper from the table) Thunder.

Dave leaves as soon as Tommy Thunder zips to the chair. The crowd cheers.

Tommy: Tommy is happy to be here. (Whispering) Ugh, this place is a dump.

Stratford: Tommy, you're our hero.

Tommy: That's great. Maybe you can be a hero someday too!

Tommy hands an awkward photo of him with his signature to Stratford. The crowd walks away, allowing then we go towards Tommy Thunder

Sonic: Hi Mr. Thunder, we're all big fans of your work-

Tommy: (Interrupts Sonic's sentence) That's great, maybe you can be a hero someday too!

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