I'm Stuck With You

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Episode 30: Lair On Lockdown

Episode 30: Lair On Lockdown

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Narrators POV

(Eggman's Lair)

Eggman: For years I plotted and toiled, working tirelessly day and night to find the truest essence of evil. And now I finally did it... with my new online ticket selling business!

Team Sonic angrily emerges into the HQ room.

Sonic: (Angrily) You've gone too far this time, Egghead. We just bought tickets to "Koala Palooza" and your fees are outrageous!

Yasemin: got anything to say for yourself?

Eggman: Whateve do you mean? My service just has a few humble processing charges.

Amy: What about the convenience fee for printing tickets at home?

Eggman: You can always get them shipped or pick them up at the venue.

Tails: But then there is shipping or "we'll call" fees, and it's no longer convenient!

Eggman: I just added another fee... for having an annoying face. Robots, collect!

Eggman's robots emerge from two separate doors. A laser gun from the ceiling turns over and fires lasers at Knuckles. Knuckles dodges and punches an oncoming Crab Bot. A pincer heads towards Amy but she hammers it away, hitting another Crab Bot heading towards Tails. Tails deploys an Enerbeam on the laser gun, and uses it as a rope to kick a Mantis Bot. and Yasemin stands beside Sonic and uses her whip to whip some Mantis Bots away from her. As Sonic watches her he then focuses on the current battle and spin attacks another Mantis Bot. A Mantis Bot claw flies towards Sticks, but she uses her body to knock it back, almost hitting Eggman who jumps out of the way. It hits the control panel engaging the lair's occupant sorting process.

Computer: Engaging occupant sorting.

Four separate tubes emerge from the ceiling. They suck up four of the members of Team Sonic, Dr. Eggman and Orbot. Yasemin was about to get sucked in but Sonic grabs her hand

Sonic: hold on Yasemin!

Yasemin: Sonic turn it off now!

Then he looks down and he then tries to grab a chair

Sonic: Just. Gotta. Shut. It. Off!

Sonic then holds on to a chair and presses a button on the control panel disabling the process. Then they all fall with Yasemin on top of Sonic

Sonic: I did it!

Yasemin: (groans) ow my head

Computer: Emergency lockdown in effect.

All the doors on Eggman's Lair lock down, leaving all eight characters trapped in different rooms. Yasemin gets off Sonic and they hear the computer alarm continue to speak

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