A Day For Us Girls

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Episode 21: Amy and Sticks's Staycation

Episode 21: Amy and Sticks's Staycation

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Amy's POV

While Yasemin was helping the guys, me and Sticks were talking as we were thrilled having time to ourselves without the guys.

Amy: With the guys out of town on their Dude-itude concert, we can finally have some quality girl time. See a movie, go to the club--

Sticks: Sharpen our bayonets, oil our bayonets, polish our bayonets..

Amy: Sticks, we don't have bayonets.

Sticks: Oh yeah. Buy bayonets!

Amy: Why do we need bayonets?

Yasemin: (walking to us) what about bayonets?

Sticks: Our team is going to be weakened by three, and Eggman's still out there. We have to be prepared!

Yasemin: Sticks has a point, Eggman can easily come and attack us any moment.

Sticks: see Yasemin understands, it's good we have someone who has been trained for this kind of situation

Knuckles closes the back door of the Dude-Mobile, and climbs in. Tails closes the door

Amy: Have fun on your trip, guys! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Sonic: I thought you said to "have fun."

Then I growl and then Yasemin goes up to Sonic and hugs him. Man, there both so cute together, it's a shame Sonic doesn't know what Yasemin told us about her and Sonic. Maybe Sonic does feel the same for her...

Then they leave and Yasemin waves off

Sticks: So, who's got the first guard duty shift?

Yasemin: Excuse me?

Amy: We don't need guard duty, Sticks. What we need is a plan to keep Eggman at bay.

Yasemin: (clicks her finger) great idea and i think it's time to whip out...

Amy: Yes!

Then me and Yasemin set up the Sonic doll we made.

Amy: Lucky for us, Yasemin and I just happened to own this homemade Sonic doll. Which we keep around for totally legitimate, definitely non-creepy reasons.

Yeah let's not talk about that, moving on, we dive in a bush and hide as Eggman was walking by.

Eggman: Oh? Well, if it isn't Sonic! (The doll, of course, says nothing) What's with the smug grin? You got beef, hedgehog? Then why don't you bring it to my grill? (More silence from the doll) Yeah, that's what I thought. You don't want none of this, nuh-uh. (More silence) Yeah, giving me the cold shoulder, huh? You just started a war, you blue pincushion!

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