Keep Holding On

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Episode 36: Eggman The Video Game Part 3

Episode 36: Eggman The Video Game Part 3

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Narrators POV

As the battle was rough everyone was standing in the bleachers. Owen and the others were watching as Shadow was now facing Sonic

Shadow: Any last words, Sonic?

Sonic: (standing up) Yeah. "Volcano Wonderpants!"

Shadow: (confused) What? That doesn't even make any--

Then Sonic takes advantage of the brief distraction to drive Shadow back. They start fighting and running around the village, neither of them gaining a decisive advantage in the fight. Eggman is still watching this. Along with the others

Jane: (making her way to Owen) Owen are you ok?

Then she kisses him and then he nods his head and looks at Yasemin

Owen: she fought so much and now look at her

Jane: we should take her to the workshop

Then Amy and Eve came along

Amy: we'll take her. She can stay at my house for a while

Owen: Are you sure?

Eve: yeah, i have all my first aid equipment with me

Amy: me too and she must need some shade

Then Jane looks at Owen

Jane: (softly) it's fine, we'll go and check up on her once everyone else is all better

Owen: (hands her to Eve) make sure she's ok. I don't want Sonic to worry about her

Eve: i won't leave her out of my sight

(Back with Sonic)

Eggman watches the fight in excitement and everyone else was getting back up watching as well.

Eggman: I'm gonna look totally awesome when I superimpose my character skin over this.

Sonic and Shadow's fight continues. Sonic rushes Shadow and tries to spin attack him, but Shadow teleports just long enough to avoid it.

Shadow: You have the reflexes of a panther.

Sonic: (confused) Is that an insult? I thought panthers were fast.

Shadow: Maybe compared to you.

Sonic gets an angry expression, and the fight resumes, still indecisive. Sonic and Shadow go spinning at each other, and proceed to knock each other away. Sonic slams into the well. Eggman is looking at the footage on a tablet.

Eggman: This footage is even better than I imagined! I gotta go home and program it into my game.

Eggman whistles, and then flies away, with the Spy Bots following. Sonic regains his feet just in time to be knocked off them again by a charging Shadow. Shadow tries to punch him, but Sonic rolls out of the way and manages to trip Shadow up. They both struggle to gain a dominant position, with Sonic finally managing to pin Shadow down.

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