A Surprise?

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Episode 22: A Classic Break In Part 1

Episode 22: A Classic Break In Part 1

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Owen's POV

What a great day, today was the day, me and the gang had a special day all planned. Once i wake up i see Joyce on her laptop and i see her tiny robots making breakfast for everyone

Owen: mornin Joyce, are you excited for today?

Joyce: Of course I am! Breakfast is on the table everyone else is down getting the equipment ready

Then i scooch over and sees what Joyce is doing

Owen: So what are you doing?

Joyce: Well obviously we're going to need a map and guidance on where we're going, so I downloaded a complete copy of the map and right now I'm getting access to the security cam footage. So far there is no one guarding the rooms

Owen: hm, i'm impressed Joyce, nicely done. Well i'll get the others

Joyce: but wait we're missing someone

Then i knew who she was talking about

Owen: working on that, don't worry i'm on it

Joyce: ok then well i'll join you all outside soon

Then I smirk at her and then I climb out of our hideout. We were hiding in a treehouse and now we were outside. I see Trent already fast asleep and Derek and Eve were sparring with each other. I walk in joining Eve to take down Derek. He lays on the floor as was tackled him and was now on top of him

Eve: (panting) ugh, Owen i had him

Derek: No you didn't!

Owen: oh quit whining (lifts him up) by the way you need to keep your guard up and Eve you gotta stop throwing in your punches and charging straight into each attack without knowing your fighters strong and weak points

Eve: (scoffs) whatever, we can't all be truly trained fighters now can we?

Derek: What's your weakness then?

Owen: i won't tell you, that's for you to figure out

Then i walk off and i hear Eve whispering to Derek

Eve: (whispers to Derek) i bet Yasemin will know

Then i ignore her comment, she's wrong, Yasemin has no idea what my weakness is. Then i shake Trent and wake him up

Owen: raise and shine sleepy head. I thought you would be training

Trent: psh, i don't' see the point in doing that, it's not like there's anyone stopping us. And besides i trained with Joyce all night and i can say that i did pretty well with attacking and defending myself

Joyce: (offscreen) are you sure about that lazy bones?

Then she comes towards us

Joyce: because if i'm correct i had you pinned down 3 times and didn't you give up at the fourth round?

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