Ending It All With A Bang

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Episode 19: Robots From The Sky Part 4

Episode 19: Robots From The Sky Part 4

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Sonic's POV

(Morristown lead-lined bunker, day)

While Mighton was talking I was trying to find all of Yasemin's missed calls she left for me....I meant for me and Tails.

Mighton: Well, it's been a pleasure bringing the world back from the brink of disaster with you. Now, let's show you guys a night on the town, Morristown style.

Sonic: We should probably head home.

Then i finally get the a hold of her

Yasemin: (on the communicator) Sonic are you ok? Did you manage to find the source to what caused the robots to go crazy?

Mighton: Who's that? Is she your girlfriend or something?

Sonic: Wh-what? No, she's uh...we uh

Bolts: Oh I get it. She wears the pants in the relationship.

Sonic: Nobody wears pants! Nobody. (turns on communicator) Yasemin hey yeah i'll tell you everything once i come back. I think I'm gonna hang back in M-town, see the sights with my bros...

Yasemin: uh...ok but wait-

But instead of hearing her reply I end the call and I get awkward stares from Mighton and Bolts. I decide to text her saying "i'll speak to you later, i promise i'll return soon can't wait to see you again"

Then we decide to go see the town with Mighton and Bolts

Yasemin's POV

While we were doing clean up i was reading Sonic's messages and slowly blushing as he reassures me he's ok...he's so sweet and i'm glad he's ok. I just wish he was here or that i could go and see him.

Eve: I see someone swept you off your feet right Yasemin?

Then i jump as i see Eve and Trent walking towards me

Trent: He finally answered your calls?

Yasemin: (dreamily) yeah he did (snaps back to reality) yeah he's alright, he's just hanging around in Morristown

Then Owen joins us

Owen: well it looks like our work here is done, come on Yas, we'll go and see that knight in shining armor of yours

Yasemin: (disgusted) please stop calling him that

Then we notice a bunch of robots flying up towards the sky

Amy: They're heading for Morristown. Sonic and Tails must be in trouble. They're gonna need reinforcements!

A ray attracts FriendBot. FriendBot launches up with Knuckles holding on. Amy fires an Enerbeam towards FriendBot and grabs Sticks, taking them both up.

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