Uh Oh He's Back Again

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Episode 34: Eggman: The Video Game Part One

Episode 34: Eggman: The Video Game Part One

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Sonic's POV

(Canyon, Day)

Today was a great day. I was having a great sunday drive with my buds and it was such a great day.

Sonic: Whoo-hoo! Nothing like a relaxing Sunday drive.

Then as I pass through some rocks I go up and go airborne, doing a barrel roll in the air and then I land back on the ground.

Sonic: Aw, yeah!

A ways ahead, Tails is driving in his own vehicle, with Knuckles riding a hoverboard attached to it by a rope he's holding in his hand. Then i drive past Tails

Sonic: Hey, buddy. Wanna race?

Tails: I don't see a downside.

As I accelerate forward Tails follows me causing Knuckles to lose control and slam into several rock formations. Tails tries to swerve to get past me which causes Knuckles to slam into another rock formation.

Knuckles: Hoverboarding isn't as much fun as I remember.

Knuckles was then dragged again, forced to flip over rocks. He eventually loses his board and starts getting dragged across the ground.

Knuckles: Driver, please stop the bus. I'll be getting off here.

The race then continues and I am still able to take the lead then me and Tails's cars go airborne. Knuckles were pulled into the air but then slammed into the ground.

Knuckles: (disoriented) Oh no, I stained my dress. Now no one will dance with me at the ice cream social.

Knuckles hit off another rock. Tails starts to close the gap between himself and me. But then i suddenly got distracted by my communicator beeping, and I activate it hearing Yasemin's voice

Yasemin: (over the communicator) Sonic i need some help here at the market i'm having trouble finding some items for Amy for a Baked Alaska

Sonic: don't worry Yassy, i'm on it (turns to Tails) Sorry Tails, gotta go

Then I activate the pedals on my car and drive off to the market. It's things like this I love. Seeing my girlfriend. I can't believe i'm even saying this, i've dreamt of this for so long but now it's actually true. The first kiss we had was so amazing and the whole night was special and perfect for me and her. We both finally admitted we were in love and now everything between us is amazing. I can't say I've ever been happier than right now.

(Village Center, Day)

Ok, I'm here and now I gotta find her. As I walk around the village I keep my eyes out for her. I just want to see her smile and laugh. It's one of the many things I adore about her.

Sonic: (thinking) alright where is she?

Man, I mean she said she would be here but where is she? Then I feel someone covering my eyes and I gasp but I know who it was once I heard her laugh.

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