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Episode 35: Eggman The Video Game Part 2

Episode 35: Eggman The Video Game Part 2

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Amy's POV

Wow, this date is honestly so nice. It's everything I ever imagined. Derek was being such a gentleman and to top it all off I was having a great time. But Eve was still in my head. Why is she still in my head? I should be having fun with Derek, man I still don't know what I want.

Derek: Are you ok Amy?

Amy: (stuttering) W-What uh y-yes! Yes I am, why wouldn't I be?

Derek: (laughing) you're so cute, you know that right?

Amy: (blushing) you think I'm cute?

Derek: of course i do

Then suddenly his face was moving close to mine. I suddenly was mixed on what's going to happen. I mean i wanna kiss him but at the same time i still had Eve on my mind. Oh man i gotta do something.

Eve: Guys, Guys!

Then I see Jane, Joyce and Eve all together. Derek looks at them and slowly moves away from each other. I can see Eve slowly frown when seeing us together uh no this does not look good

Derek: Guys, what's up?

Jane: we gotta move, Shadow is planning on attacking the village and possibly going after Sonic and Yasemin

Amy: (standing up) what, well what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Then I ran ahead with Eve following me

Eve: don't worry Pinky, we're gonna defeat Shadow and make sure he doesn't harm Sonic and Yassy

Amy: thanks Eve

Then she smiles at me while I look at her amazing smile.

Yasemin's POV

Seems like things with Amy were going well. As for me and Sonic we were right now snuggling together slowly falling asleep. Sonic would sometimes kiss me gently as I would blush and stroke his quills. Then we fell asleep well. Well he was, I was just staring into his green eyes all lovesick.

Then suddenly we heard a knock on the door

Yasemin: Sonic the door

Sonic: ignore it, it's probably Knuckles he'll get the message and leave us alone

Then the knocking grew louder we both groan in annoyance

Yasemin: Knuckles, not now please

Owen: (from the door) Yasemin, Sonic come on it's me open up!

Yasemin: (gasp) Owen?

Then Sonic got up and so did I. Then I opened the door and saw Owen breathing heavily and entering inside.

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