The Evil Within

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Episode 9: Mech Suits Me

Episode 9: Mech Suits Me

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Yasemin's POV

We were on the run. Something was chasing us, but we can't lose it. We all had our pugil sticks and now we ran through the jungle.

Sticks: It's gaining on us!

Knuckles: Uh, this is getting too real, man!

Then we stopped and looked at the rustling in the trees

Tails: (Nervous) What the heck was that?

Suddenly, Tails falls on the ground and gets dragged into the bushes

Yasemin: (gasps) oh no!

Amy: (Nervous) It got Tails! None of us are...

Amy screams and gets dragged into the bush next to her.

Sticks: We gotta get out of here!

Yasemin: follow me

Then I led them up towards a tree branch and then we were head to head with Sonic.

Yasemin: oh no we're surrounded

Sonic: Did you really think escape would be that easy?

Sticks jumps and charges at Sonic with her pugil stick but she misses. Sticks and Knuckles surround Sonic. Knuckles grunts and walks slowly towards Sonic. They fight each other on the branch. Sonic almost falls off, but then uses the end of his pugil stick as a pole and swings his way round. He then kicks Knuckles. Knuckles slides down to the end of the branch and falls into the trees. Then I run and tackle him from behind but he shakes me off and I fall. Sticks and Sonic remain. Sticks charges into Sonic, but Sonic counters by sliding his legs under Sticks' body. Sonic then kicks Sticks off the tree branch.

Sonic: Annnd the hedgehog takes the game!

Then we all climb back up on the tree branch

Sonic: So who's gonna be the next Jungle Predator?

Tails: It's Sticks' turn. Hey, where is Sticks?

Sticks: Down here! And you guys are gonna wanna check this out!

Amy: We're not falling for that. It's the oldest trick in the Jungle Predator book.

Sonic: I've been meaning to read that book. How is it?

Amy: Not as bad as the movie. Studios should stop recycling the same, tired, old properties and make something original for once.

Then we all look at her in silence and Sonic smiles at her awkwardly. Then Sticks calls out bringing our attention back to her.

Sticks: Uh...guys!

Yasemin: we'll be down there

Then we all jump down and walk towards the cave.

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