All So Much For A Party

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Episode 32: A Birthday Extravaganza Part 1

Owen's POV

(Hideout, Morning)

Man, that was a nice sleep. But why is it so quiet and where are the guys?

As i go to the kitchen i see no one there

Owen: huh that's strange

Then once i sit at the dinner table i get the surprise of my life

Everyone except Owen: SURPRISE!!!

Then i fall off the chair and Jane picks me up and gives me a small kiss

Jane: Happy birthday Owen!

Owen: aw you guys shouldn't have

Eve: so birthday boy get ready for today

Owen: What are we doing?

Joyce: we're going back to one of our favourite hangout spots. Wildflower Forest!

Derek: Aw yeah!

Owen: Wait, what about Yasemin?

Joyce: sending her the details right now

Jane: and i'm also inviting some more old friends

Owen: nice! Oh man this birthday is gonna be sweet

Yasemin's POV

As i got off the phone i was so excited it's Owen's 18th birthday! I got an invite to go with all my friends. As I was getting the present ready I got a knock on the door. Then i see Sonic and Amy coming in

Sonic: Hey Yas what are you doing?

Yasemin: just getting Owen's present ready

Amy: You already have yours done?

Yasemin: Yep, so what are you getting him Amy?

Amy: well the guys made him so handy parts for his race car even some new paint supplies

Then Sonic winks at me as i was impressed. Then Amy continued to speak

Amy: and i brought him this

Then i see she brought him a leather jacket

Yasemin: wow something new that's for sure

Amy: He won't like it?

Yasemin: No he'll like it, it's just I haven't seen him wear one of these for a while. Last time he wore it was when we were 15

Amy: Huh, wow. Well I'm gonna go and get ready for the party. Sonic are you coming?

Sonic: no i think i'll stay here for a bit

Then Amy said goodbye to us both and once Amy was gone Sonic sat near me putting his arm around me

Sonic: So what's your present?

Yasemin: It's kind of something I was gonna give him on our anniversary of being best friends. But I think it's better as a birthday present.

Then i show him the cape and tell him the story behind my gift

Sonic: aw that's so sweet of you

Yasemin: thank you

Sonic: So Wildflower Forest huh?

Yasemin: Have you been there before?

Sonic: no but i've heard of it

Yasemin: (petting his quills) you're gonna love it and i know a perfect spot for us

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