Leaving It All Empty Handed

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Episode 23: A Classic Break In Part 2

Episode 23: A Classic Break In Part 2

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Owen's POV

Once we were inside the vented room I grabbed my tablet out and I checked to see where the security guards were. They passed the room me and Yasemin were in. Joyce and Derek hid in the lockers and Trent and Joyce were hiding in the kitchen. They were in the cool room.

Yasemin: (whispers) are they gone?

Owen: (whispers) yeah, but stay quiet, they'll come back here i know it

Then he communicator vibrates, Sonic was calling her

Owen: don't answer it, wait until they're gone

Yasemin: ok, i'll wait

Then i look over and see them come back

Owen: (whispers) get down

Then I hold Yasemin down and she holds onto me tight.

Yasemin: (whispers) i'm scared Owen

Then i bury her face on my fur and i hold her tight

Owen: it'll be ok we're gonna be ok

Then I see the light of a flashlight and then the footsteps stop. We hear mumbling nearby.

Guard 1: no sign of anyone. Let's go

Then we hear footsteps again and then we hear the door slam nearby

Owen: ok i think we're clear

Then I see Yasemin still clinging onto me. I smile and then I get goosebumps feeling how warm and safe she felt in my arms. Then she looks up at me and lets go of me

Yasemin: Sorry about that, are they gone?

Owen: Yeah they're gone

Yasemin: great, i'll call the others and make sure if they're ok

Owen: No no, I'll do that. You call Sonic he must be worried about you

Then she agrees with me. She climbs back down from the vent and I do as well. I go and find the others. Once I do we all peep to listen to her conversation with Sonic.

Yasemin's POV

I end up calling Sonic but he doesn't answer his communicator huh, weird. Then I go back to where Owen is and I see him with the others. They were getting out spray cans

Yasemin: whoa, what's this?

Derek: we're gonna leave our mark here. Come on

Yasemin: uh i'm not sure what if they come back?

Eve: it'll be fine, i really doubt they'll come again. Besides Joyce detached their connection so they won't be back

Joyce: So you're gonna just stand there or are you gonna join us and have some fun?

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