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Episode 7: Multi-Tails

Episode 7: Multi-Tails

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Yasemin's POV

So today Tails has something exciting to show the gang. Me and him gathered them in the village and we told them to close their eyes.

Tails: All right everyone, I've got something very special to share with you.

Sonic, Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy: (with their eyes covered with their hands) Please be ice cream! Please be ice cream! Please be ice cream!

Yasemin: (giggles) it's not ice cream

Tails: Introducing my latest invention!

Sonic, Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy uncover their eyes revealing Tails' invention

Sonic, Knuckles, Sticks and Amy: (Groan)

Knuckles: So help me Tails, that better be an ice cream maker.

Yasemin: What part of no ice cream did you not understand?

Horn honks, Eggman and Bee Bots arrive

Eggman: Minions, attack!

Tails: Perfect timing! Behold, the cutting edge of defensive technology!

Tails presses a button on his invention, which then emits a blue beam that creates a protective dome around the village. Bee Bots try in vain to get into the dome. But it's no use. Yeah, Tails is a genius.

Tails: I call it the Village Fortifying Electromagnetic Protective Hemisphere!

Yasemin, Sonic, Knuckles, Sticks and Amy: Meh.

Tails: I mean, uh...Dome-pocalypse?

Yasemin, Sonic, Knuckles, Sticks and Amy: [Applauds] Yeah!

Sonic: All right!

Then i walk over and look at the dome

Yasemin: seems to be holding up pretty well Tails

Tails: yeah i know, i can't believe this baby worked

Eggman tries to shoot lasers into the dome but they keep on bouncing off the shield and hitting his own robots

Eggman: What is this? Some sort of Village Fortifying Electromagnetic Protective Hemisphere?

Tails: No! It's the Dome-pocalypse!

Eggman: Ooh, good name! But it won't stop me! And by me, I mean Obliterator Bot.

Obliterator Bot appears. Obliterator Bot tries in vain to chainsaw through the shield. It then tries to shoot a laser through the dome, which causes the laser to bounce off and hit Eggman. Obliterator Bot tries shooting another laser, which bounces off the dome and shoots Obliterator Bot's head off. Obliterator Bot falls and the villagers applaud. I hugged Tails tight as I was proud of him.

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