Chapter 2- Dreams do come true

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*facetiming Lola*
(Not received)

Texting starts

Emily- Lola!!!! Landed Paris. Why aren't you picking up?
Lola - Hey Emily! I'm sorry! Family obligations crying. Kill me!😣
Emily- OK! Don't worry. I'm on my way to my apartment.... 🚙
Lola- That's great. Reach safely. Will VC after this family drama gets over! See ya!
Emily- Bye!

Narrator -New Day! New Emily!
Well Emily is one step closer to her dream as she has finally reached the destination we all have been waiting for! Yes you guessed it right- P A R I S.
City of light, City of Love whatever you call it! She made it finally to Paris... So proud of you Em!

(Emily reaches her apartment)

"Bienvenue à Paris!", exclaims the lady.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Dupont."

"This building as you can see was built in the 19th century. It's called the Haussmann architecture. Isn't it beautiful ma chère Emily?"

"Yes Mrs.Dupont  . It's absolutely marvelous."

"Well I'm paying a hefty amount for this place. It better be beautiful", Emily says to herself.

Narrator- Emily settles herself in her apartment awaiting for what will happen next. The calm wind coming from her balcony window, the smell of fresh white lilies put up by Mrs. Dupont prior to her arrival - all were enough to make Emily's senses awoke. She felt calm,serene and most importantly peaceful. The past weeks have been quite hectic for Emily. Emily went for a quick shower and then the real adventure started!

(Dancing on my own by Robyn playing in the background)
(YouTube link for all the music lovers 💜)

She asked her landlady about a cafe she can have her lunch. Mrs. Dupont suggested the cafe right across the street.

" Do try their bagels... It's absolutely fresh and made from scratch. You'll love it!"

"Thanks! Have a good day!"

After having her lunch, Emily started wandering about the city. As most tourists start their adventure in Paris, Emily did the same by visiting the Eiffel Tower.


Emily is not the one who usually likes to take risks. Though she is always curious to learn and try new things, it's better to say she avoids troubles.
After visiting the Eiffel tower and riding on an hour of sightseeing cruise on the Seine river, she thought to take a stroll in the beautiful garden she had seen so many instagram influencers clicking pictures in, the Palais-Royal Garden.

"Oh my god! I'm tired of walking and walking. I need water. Otherwise I'm gonna faint and I'm going to spend the whole night laying on the streets of Paris", Emily mutters to herself.

"Excuse me Sir, can you please tell me where I can buy a bottle of water?", Emily asks a man passing by her.

*No answer*

"Really! A girl is asking you where she can find a shop to buy water and you just avoid her like that! So rude of you.... Urgghhh", Emily says in disgust.

"Well I'm carrying an extra bottle of water for these kids and they are clearly too busy to drink anyways. You can have it.", says an unknown girl sitting on a bench under a quaint tree.

"Thank you so much! You're a saviour."

(Emily drinks hastily)

"Ha! Thank god! I have been walking the whole afternoon and I got so tired of walking and walking".

"No worries dear! Tourist?"

"Well actually I have moved here for my work. I'm Emily. Nice to meet you!"

"Mindy", forwards her hand for a handshake.

"That's a lovely name. Mindy! That reminds me of my English teacher in my 8th grade. She had the same name."

"OK great! What brings you here Emily?"

"Well I'm a marketing executive and I've been working for the Gilbert group for 2 years now. And they decided  to give me a promotion, here at Paris. Now I'll be working for Savoir,a luxury French marketing company which is now a subsidiary to the Gilbert Group."

"That's an interesting job Emily.",said Mindy. " I was actually born and brought up in Shanghai,China. My father is a business tycoon there and I literally fled to Paris so I can focus on singing."

"Wow! Singer!!! Like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. Yayyy! I should really sometimes listen to you singing. So you're like a professional singer here?"

"Nah. Just trying to figure out what's it like to be a singer here. Lots to take in I guess. Well trying to figure it out and thinking about my uncertain future won't pay my bills haha so I work here as a part time nanny and I also teach them Mandarin."

"I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out soon. It's actually so nice to get someone to talk about in this city I don't know anyone."

"Hey! Don't worry. If you need anything or just need a friend to talk, call me. I'm always here Emily. CALL ME!TEXT ME! 24/7! ANYTIME!!!"

"Aww that's so sweet and kind of you. How about we meet for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Sounds super fun! After that we can spend a fun day as I don't have to attend these naughty siblings tomorrow."


"Yayyyy! So excited. Looking forward for tomorrow."

Narrator- Emily and Mindy not only exchanged their numbers but also exchanged their hearts. So stoked and excited to see the starting of a new friendship. "In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chip." I hope Mindy and Emily's friendship becomes iconic and epic just like the friendship of Blair and Serena!

"The day went so good.", Emily says to herself and while walking up the stairs, Emily's eyes landed on a young French man. The man lived right infront of her apartment, apartment no. 8. "

"Pouvez-vous m'aider madame?", said the man to Emily.

"Sorry but I can't understand French."

"My bad! Can you help me with the keys? I don't know why the lock is not opening."

"Sure.", Emily took her hair bob pin and tried to open the door.

(Door unlocks)

"Thank you so much. I'm Gabriel"

"Hi Gabriel. I'm Emily. I'm new here. Just moved to Paris for my new job.Yayyy! I didn't knew until this moment that we are neighbours. Nice to meet you Gabriel."

"The pleasure is mine.If you need any help I'm always right infront of you. Or in this case, if I need any help, I'll surely contact you. "

"Nice joke.Haha...Sure! And thank you! See you soon Gabriel! Good Night!"

"Bonne Soirée Emily! "

Narrator- That is an interesting way to start a new friendship Emily. Well done! Taking in note of Lola's advice, I hope Emily listens to her and I hope Gabriel and Emily soon becomes the new couple of the town. Well,all the best for tomorrow Emily.

Au revoir!

Chapter 3 coming soon! Stay tuned :)

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