Chapter 10 -Raise your glass!

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Emily knocks at Gabriel's apartment door. "Thump thump", goes her heart.Emily's heart was beating very fast.

Narrator -  I bet you could hear her heartbeat from wherever you are. I wish I could say to her that there's nothing to be nervous about it. But anything is possible when two people love each other.

Emily and Gabriel both exchange an awkward hug in the entrance and then Gabriel kisses her. He helds her tightly and then passionately strikes her on the wall. They make love.

"Did you know that I instantly fell in love with you when I met you for the first time on the stairs Em?", said Gabriel from under the sheets.

"Aww .....I didn't know that."Emily holds his face and kisses Gabriel on his lips passionately.

"Good morning beautiful!"

"Hey gorgeous".

Gabriel enters the room with a breakfast tray on his hand.

"Did you cook breakfast for me??? Aww"

"Anything for you love."

That week more or less passes like this. Emily goes to work. Have a couple of coffess and drinks with her office colleagues. Infinite texts with Lola. Camille makes visits sometimes too. And then at night it's just Emily and Gabriel.

"Are you planning to move in with Gabriel? I'm serious."

Mindy was looking very serious.

"No.", she said keeping her mobile aside. "What gave you that idea Mindy? I mean I love him but isn't it too early to move in with him. I don't want to take any hasty decisions that may harm our relationship."

Emily looks at Mindy's laptop that was kept on her desk on. "Confirmation mail - Congratulations you have made the cut. Now you'll be joining us on the Grand finale. Best of luck! Looking forward to have you on the show."

Emily jumps with joy and hugs Mindy.

"Why didn't you tell me before??"

"I mean you don't really spend time with me now Emily. I didn't got the opportunity to tell you."

Emily now sits near Mindy.

"I know I haven't been really with you this past week. And I feel really bad. I have been a terrible friend and a roomie to you. Please forgive me." Emily joins her hands and wishes that she is forgiven by her.

Mindy hugs Emily. "You're forgiven."

"I know you will be performing today at the bar. Can we except a table there?"

"Sure.Lemme talk it with Zola."

Camille and Gabriel comes to the bar to support their friend.

"I'm so excited to see her on the stage.",said Camille.

They all wish best of luck to Mindy at the backstage.

Mindy goes on to the stage and firstly thanks Emily, Camille and Gabriel for being their.

"You go girl!!!", shouts Gabriel.

Mindy performs Bad Romance and the crowd can't keep calm.

"Wow!!! Congratulations Mindy", said Emily while hugging her. " That Lady Gaga song is very difficult to pull off. And you did it amazingly. Wow!!!"

Gabriel congratulated Emily with a box of chocolates.

"Now let's open the champagne. Wohoo!", Camille pops off the bottle and everybody raises a toast for her.

"Everybody,raise your glasses as tonight we celebrate our friend Mindy for her amazing performance and for being in the Top 15 of the singing competition."

"Omg you'll be on tv. The entire world will be watching you. It's a very big thing Mindy. Kudos to you girl!"

"Time for a group hug guys." Gabriel brings the group close.

"And a time for a picture."

Emily takes out her phone from her pocket and clicks a selfie. She immediately posts it on IG. And look. Lola is the first one to like and comment on it.

*Receives text from Sylvie*

Come tomorrow to the office with a pair of beachwear. And don't forget to tell the same to the entire team.

"Are we going to the beach tomorrow?? Something is suspicious....", Emily told herself.

Chapter 11 coming soon!

Bonjour Emily!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang