Chapter 5 - IDGAF

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Narrator - Morning Emily! I hope that you slept well. I know today is a very important day for you. So don't spoil it. Avoid negative thinking. If you feel nervous just remember that you're capable of anything and everything. Pro tip - Breathe in. Breath out. Inhale. Exhale.

Emily is excited as well as nervous for her first day at her new office aka her second home (as for now). Emily grabs a coffee and a bagel from the bagel shop and the owner wishes her "Bonne chance!"

Emily's new office is a lavish building with a art gallery at the entrance of the building. There's also a cafe in front of her office. So Emily can happily go there and have her favourite frappuchino.

"Hi! Hello! Bonjour. ", Emily says while looking at the face of the expressionless receptionist.

"She is nail filing her nails. So I guess she is busy!", Emily tells herself. Emily smiles uncomfortably again and tells her,"I'm Emily Cooper. I'm from the Gilbert Group in Atlanta. I'll be working here from today."

The woman picks up the landline phone that was on her table and said something in French which Emily alongside with me nor you can understand.

"Wait for a minute.", she said at a surprisingly loud voice.

After waiting for less than a minute, a man wearing a green and red suit walks into the room.

"Hi! I'm Emily. Emily Cooper from Atlanta."

"Oh yes yes! Bonjour! I'm Julian. I'm also a marketing executive here and I'll be working alongside with you."

"I'm looking forward to it." Emily and Julian hugs each other.

"Bonjour Emily! Emily, tu peux venir dans mon bureau?", said a lady.
Emily was like omfg. Who the hell is she? She's absolutely gorgs. The lady that walked into the room was none other than Sylvie. She was wearing a black gown and was looking absolutely beautiful. Emily was mesmerized by her beauty. But then this happened-

"Hello! I couldn't understand you. I heard bonjour Emily. So hi!!!".Emily was so ashamed of herself. She made up her mind that she has to, I mean have to learn French. And the French tutions start from tomorrow. Yes! Done.

"I thought you knew French. Well never mind. Can you please come to my office. We need to have a talk", Sylvie walks away while Emily is standing there stunned holding  her coffee.

Julian tells Emily not to worry. "She is a bitch at first, but she has a heart very deep inside even if you have to search for it a lot. Just say I don't give a fuck about Sylvie. Go on. Say it "

"IDGAF!!", Emily says happily.

"Wish me luck Julian!"

"All the best!",said a man with curly white hair with a big smile on his face.

"What are you doing here bitch?", Julian said to him. Luc winked his eyes and Julian showed a slapping gesture to him. "Let me introduce him to you Emily. He is Luc. He will also be working with you."

"Thank you so much Luc! I need it badly."

Emily,nervous as hell walks into Sylvie's office.

"Look, who's here to greet you Emily."

"Emily! Emily! Emily!", said an over excited voice from Sylvie's PC.

Yeah! You guessed it right. It's Madeline!

"Madz!!! Hi gorgeous! Look at your glowing face!!!", Emily dances in joy.
Sylvie gives a very judging look to Emily. But Emily is not looking at her as her eyes are glued with Sylvie's PC.
Emily loves and adores Madz. Madz is like a big sister to her. Always acting as a guiding star to Em.

"Look at you Emily! Looking so sexy. I hope you work very hard with Sylvie and do not cross her as she gets very angry you know. Btw what is the lipstick shade you are wearing?"

Emily looks confused and said, " I think it's the ablaze. Ya! It's MAC's ablaze. "

"This shade suits you a lot Emily. Remember when you come to Atlanta, bring me some couple of French pastries, some Eiffel tower key chains as I have to give them to my in-laws and and and I forgot. This what happens when you are 5 months pregnant. Haha. No worries. I'll text you when I remember the to-buy list."

"Sure Madz. But I'm returning to Atlanta after 6 months. And it's only being a week or so. So it will take some time. LOL! "

Meanwhile Sylvie is doing something with the revenue sheets on her desk. Sylvie is absolutely disinterested with the entire conversation that's happening between Madeline and Emily. Sylvie gets irritated when she hears the loud and always 'full with energy' voice of Madeline. And moreover Sylvie's disinterest on Emily is very much visible in that room.
After talking with Madeline for approximately 15 minutes, Emily goes to her desk and starts working the tasks that Sylvie has given her.

Emily takes out her phone and clicks a selfie and posted it on instagram with the caption - First day at my new office. Wish me luck!

Luc and Julian are talking among themselves. Though Emily thinks to start a conversation with them, she doesn't get the courage to simply say a 'Hi guys'. Emily knows deep down inside that she is an outsider here. She always will be.She is an American, who is incompetent in speaking French, who wears loud colours with big prints on them that is totally out-of -contrast with Paris. But it's good to be unique and different from the rest of the bunch.

*FaceTime from Lola*

"Hi there! How's your first day in office going on?"

"It's fine. More or less.", Emily says in a low voice.

"What happened Em? Omg. You're upset."

Emily talks about all the things that happened with her till now to Lola.

"Don't worry darling. It's just the first day. You'll see tomorrow you'll be again full of cheer and high spirit."

"I hope so. Btw what happened to you? Why are you sneezing?"

"I'm sick. Lola coughs."

It's like the second or third time Emily is seeing Lola sick.

"Aww take care. Sending you warm hugs and snuggles."

"Thank you Em. Lemme sleep it off. Bye"

"Good bye. Take care!"

Luc walks to the coffee maker and asks Emily, 'Black or cappuccino?'

Emily is shocked as well as happy that someone actually cares about her in the office. Emily says that she can have a cappuccino. Luc seems to be a sweet man. Luc grabs a chair and sits beside Emily.

"Emily! Let's talk about our tomorrow's presentation on Stanley Lembark's new clothing line Nston."

Emily and Luc did an impressive and productive work .

Julian walks to them and says, 'Let's go and grab a drink. Are you up for drinking Emily?"


Emily is very happy as she thinks she can finally get to know her office colleagues. Mindy texts Emily to meet her at her apartment.

Mindy - Can you meet me at my apartment soon? It's important.

Emily- Sure. I'm having drinks with Luc and Julian, my office colleagues. I'll catch up with you after that then.

Mindy- OKAY! Have fun.

Narrator - All's well that ends well. The day didn't went that bad as you were expecting it to be Emily. Well done. And I'm glad you are making friends at your office. Congratulations!

Chapter 6 coming soon!! Stay tuned :-)

Bonjour Emily!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang