Chapter 9 - Hell to the no

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"What???",said Mindy.

" Did you just say that you kissed Gabriel? Our next door neighbour? You're a slut Emily. You shouldn't have crossed the neighbour boundaries. It's crazy as hell Emily. But in love I guess everything is fine."

"Don't act so shocked. You're not a saint either Mindy. LOL! But omg how can I explain you, he is so amazing. When I look at his eyes, I feel I'm lost in a blue sea with nowhere to escape. When I see his pink cherry lips, I just want to take a bite of it. When I see his smile, don't get started with his smile. On the other hand, he is so kind kind, compassionate, and generous. I think I should tell about this to Lola."

"As you wish! I'm also done with my registration and they will be calling me anyday."

"You will kill it darling!". Emily was 100% sure that Mindy will make it to the next round.

The next day on her way to work, Gabriel walked all the way with her to her office. Isn't it romantic? Well now the office drama will begin.

On entering the office, Emily is greeted by anxious and scared Luc and Julian."We're sorry Emily. We really are. We thought you'll feel sad as you are not invited to the party by Sylvie."

"Atleast you could have told me Luc. I felt so down. I will always be an outsider here. Isn't it?"

" No you are not. You're a part of the Savoir family. Now please don't stay  angry."


Emily hugged Luc andJulian.

"I hope this was a mutual thing Julian.",said Emily.

Julian winked and smacked his lips and said "WHATEVER!!" and smiled. Gawddd! His sass. His diva energy. His whole mood is so contagious!

After a 2 hr long meeting with a new potential client, Emily along with Julian and Luc went for lunch. Emily brought an umbrella too as the next task was meeting with Savoir's long time back and till date the oldest client duo - Antoine Lambert and Philippe Rosewood outdoors on location. This duo is the owner of the luxe perfume line - Calmain. They both are absolute favourites of Sylvie and she can't afford to lose them anyway. Antoine and Philippe are quite popular and can be  frequently seen in the covers of Vogue, Architectural Digest,Gay Times magazine to name a few.

"Do you know Emily that Antoine tried to flirt with me once? Even if he had his cute husband by his side?"

"Gosh. Don't get started again Julian. Not all good looking couples try to flirt with you. "

"But it's true. Emily, I hope you believe me."

"Yes I do. But I won't have a doubt when I see you both together."

"Do you have any idea what kind of man Antoine is? He is very creepy.Do you know anything about Sylvie and Antoine's relation?"

"How am I supposed to know about it except they have a very old friendship? I am just a few days old here remember.", Emily said to them. She is confused as hell.

Luc looked around if there's any one related to Savoir near them and said,"Sylvie is Antoine's mistress."

"Sylvie is Antoine's what?"

Emily's jaw dropped. Her reaction was unbelievable. It was like she was falling from a 10-storey building.

"OMG. Does Phillipe know about it?"

"He doesn't have a clue. He is as pure as a fresh butter from the pantry. I sometimes feel bad for him."

"It's so sad. Hey! Look Sylvie is coming."

Bonjour Emily!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon