Chapter 14 -Lola-coaster

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"Well I'm nervous!", Camille holds Emily's hands tightly.

Emily looked at her hands again. Camille looked at her again. They talked silently for those few minutes. With their eyes. Camille was looking guilty and she felt bad as she avoided her for so many days.

"I'm so sorry Em. I really am."

Emily looked at her again. Camille was standing with her head down.

"I didn't have the courage to meet you again. I knew I was again gonna feel alone and all when I see you with Gabriel again. "

"You could have just told me. I went to your apartment and you didn't open it. I called you and texted you like 100 times." Emily tears up. " I know this is a very confused and messed up situation but I really don't know what to do. I like you. I like Gabriel too."

Camille gasped. Camille was feeling all of this confusion is because of her. I mean who can blame her right! She rolled her eyes. She was feeling pity for Emily.

"The confusion is just because of me I know. I'm the culprit here. Omg, I'm the villian in my best friend's love story. I'm so sorry Em."

Emily didn't waste a single second. To stop her blabbering, she took her mouth deep into inside hers. They kissed. Again!

"Listen no one is the culprit here. And you are obviously not the villain. So chill! We have to figure this out together. I have to figure it out."

They looked at each other and calmness restored on their faces again.

1. 2. 3. Goo......

"Omg I'm nervous. Mindy!!!"

The host is now on the stage for the final result.

"The second runner up is Thomas Elliott!"

The crowd cheered.

"The first runner up is Clemence Cooke! ....."

"Omg what...", Emily looks at Camille.

"It means Mindy Chen, you are the winner of Singing Superstar."

"Wohoo...yayyyyy! The crowd cheered."

"Mindy! Mindy! Omg yes... She did it. She did it."

Emily just couldn't control her excitement. Mindy was looking at her now as she was acting crazy. Absolute bonkers!

"Meet our new Singing Superstar!"
Emily exclaimed and hugged Mindy. Camille congratulated her.

"I finally did it.. omg..yayyy" Mindy jumped as she couldn't keep her calm.  " I guess now I'll have a singing career."

"And we are so proud of you." Emily hugged her again.

"Look here! It's Lola and Gabriel. They have also congratulated. " ,Mindy showed them her phone.

"And look. Your screen is bursting with new social media followers."

"That's why we should have a party now.", Camille said.

Camille took them to her apartment. They celebrated with a bottle of champagne, some take-away Chinese orders and obviously pictures. Lots and lots of them.

Meanwhile Emily got an very interesting text from Lola.

Lola -"Hi Emily. Where are you?"
Emily- Hi. I'm at Camille's apartment. We are celebrating here.
Lola-Aww that's nice.
Lola- hey..can you text me her address asap. I need to do something.
Emily- sure. But why?

Emily sent her Camille's address.

"That's suspicious", Emily said to herself. Approximately 30 mins later a door bell rang.

"Who's there now at this hour?",said Mindy. "Did we order something again Emily?"

"No."she said.

Camille opened the door.

The woman was standing facing backwards with a very wierd feather prop and a very big hat that had sparkles all over it. On the other had she had a suitcase.

"Surprise bitches!!"

Lola!! What the fuck! Emily ran towards her and hugged her.

To their surprise it's the most anticipated character of this series, Lola.

"Omg.... Lola. What are you doing here?"

"Told ya there's a suprise coming on its way."

"I'm so happy you are here."

Mindy and Camille hugged her as well.
"I can't believe you are here. Yayyy!",said Mindy. Gosh she is so happy.

"And congratulations Mindy. So happy for you. " Lola took out a very beautiful packaging from her suitcase and gave it to her. "For you Mademoiselle!" It had a gorgeous dress in it.

"Aww. It's beautiful. Thank you so much!

Lola also gifted a beautiful jacket to Camille.

"Thank you so much!"

"Okay. I'm very tired now. So obviously I will be going to the apartment of you guys. But tomorrow we are meeting for lunch Camille and afterwards we're gonna have a full outing on the auspicious occasion of Mindy's win and also because Lola is in Paris."

Everyone agreed to her plan. Emily hugs Camille and tells her to sleep well.

Here's Emily, Lola and Mindy back to their home. Lola was so excited to finally see their apartment. And gosh she was excited to meet the hot chef too.

Narrator - Omg! What on the earth did I do to deserve this. Emily, Mindy, Lola and Camille. All 4 of them together on the streets of Paris. Gosh. Well I'm very much excited !!!! Wohoo!

Chapter 15 is on it's way!!

Bonjour Emily!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon